John Carter has added a new tip to Tips ’N Tricks in the PMUG website called "Printing & Scanning." For those of you who are adding or replacing a printer, or even want to know how best to do a scan with your multifunction printer, this is a must read. So, take John's advice; you'll be glad you did.
Tonight's Oscar Night Apple Ad
Take a look at this article, telling about a creative, clever Apple ad for tonight's Oscar broadcast.
Take Control Book Sale
Quoting from their info forwarded to us by John Carter, "Faced with rising snowdrifts and falling temperatures here at Take Control HQ, we’ve decided to liven up the season with a sale — it beats shoveling the driveway again! No matter what your weather, now’s the time to add any number of our books to your Take Control library for 50% off, through February 25th. All our titles are DRM-free and available in PDF, EPUB, and Mobipocket (Kindle) formats, so you can access the real-world Mac and iOS advice you need wherever, whenever, and on whatever device you like." Order now at
See the Earth for FREE
Here's that special word, "FREE." Thanks to Jim Hays for the following info: "Google now offers downloads of its Google Earth Pro for Windows and Mac for free at: "Google Earth Pro is described as a '3D interactive globe that can be used to aid planning, analysis and decision making.' It's also an effective way to traverse the globe without leaving your house."
John Carter noted that on of 3-25-2016, the Mac download of Google Earth Pro did not validate when attempting to install the package. This does not mean it won't work for you, so keep trying. In addition, the app is totally free to everyone now. So says the website.
An Item for Sale
Check out the For Sale page in the PMUG website. One item remains.
Maybe a Pain in Your Neck
Can an App Spot Your Cancer?
"Here's an unusual app for the iPhone. Will be interesting to see how this develops," Jim Hamm emails us. Thanks for finding all these nifty articles, Jim. utm_source=B1&utm_medium=pp&utm_campaign=pp
Apple's Upcoming App for Photos
Cyber Vulnerabilities: Did You Know?
Find Out More About Malvertising
According to Rahul Kashyap we'll be hearing a lot more about malvertising. See
Third-party ads are "quietly displaying on these pages and sometimes burrowing into viewers' browsers and PCs before they even click anything," is how he describes it. His short article in Bottom Line/Personal declares that malvertising has already invaded extremely popular sites including Amazon,, Yahoo and YouTube.
Malvertising relies on a trusted destination to bring in a target for their attack. Site operators often have no knowledge of malware on their own domain. Cybercrime rings are brutally efficient and do not bother with unnecessary effort, cost and exposure.
Ready for iPad Air2 to be Your Main Computer?
Jim Hamm sends this link for your consideration: He comments that it's an interesting article.
Changes Coming for iPhoto
"It looks like Photos for OS X will replace iPhoto later this spring. Here is an article with further info and impressions of Apple's new photo program," writes Jim Hamm.
Ransomware in the News
Tonight's news is telling about "ransom ware" and you will want to do other searches on your most-trusted websites:
Electronic Device Batteries
Same Song, Another Verse (NeoOffice)
John Carter to the rescue. A question on NeoOffice brought this speedy reply. "Documents written with Pages will not come up in NeoOffice, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, or MS Office.
What to Know About NeoOffice
John Carter recommends NeoOffice. He explains, "Here’s something good to know about NeoOffice: NeoOffice includes the following open source software:
- and Apache OpenOffice
- LibreOffice
- Akua icons
- NeoOffice icons and images
- Minizip
- Mac remote control
- The main difference between NeoOffice and OpenOffice or LibreOffice is that NeoOffice is built specifically for the Mac.
- Another main difference is that NeoOffice launches MUCH faster than LibreOffice.
NeoOffice :: Open at Launch menu to open Calc or Impress instead of Writer at launch
- File :: Browse All Versions menu to restore previous versions of your documents
- Native file locking to safely edit files in iCloud Drive, Dropbox, or network drives
- Native Mac OS X grammar checking
- Native Mac OS X text highlighting
- Support for Mac OS X Services
- Native floating tool windows
- Menus open when no documents are open
- Command-clicking on window titlebar
Super Bowl! Live Streams!
Today is Super Bowl Day!
No Need to Wait
"OS X 10.10.2 is OUT, and so is iOS 8.1.3!" John Carter alerts us, and he follows up with this, "So, for anyone waiting to update to Yosemite, stop waiting!
iOS 8 Tips
Where's the Book?
John Carter sends us the following info. "People are asking, 'What is the best book for learning about OS X Yosemite?'