Next meeting: April 12, 2025, 10 am.
LOCATION CHANGE: Yavapai College, Building 31, Room 101. Click for more information.


Apple Watch is Almost Here

              Available 4.24.15; yes, the Apple Watch is almost here.  Pre-order now!  Watch the Guided Tours!
            David Passell sends this link about the Apple Watch with his announcement, "I am not going to buy one."


Take Control Book Sale

         Quoting from their info forwarded to us by John Carter,  "Faced with rising snowdrifts and falling temperatures here at Take Control HQ, we’ve decided to liven up the season with a sale — it beats shoveling the driveway again! No matter what your weather, now’s the time to add any number of our books to your Take Control library for 50% off, through February 25th. All our titles are DRM-free and available in PDF, EPUB, and Mobipocket (Kindle) formats, so you can access the real-world Mac and iOS advice you need wherever, whenever, and on whatever device you like." Order now at


Mac Memorabilia Needs a Good Home

        Do you collect old Mac memorabilia or know someone does?  Jim Hamm has received info from the Arizona Macintosh Users Group, looking for someone who might be interested. From magazines from 1983, to some user guides, original manuals, conference ephemera, it's quite a list. The owner is a retired electronic engineer who has been an Apple certified software developer.  Contact him directly here.  


Check out the PMUG Site

        We're reminded to check out the Prescott Mac User Group website, for all sorts of good info.  John Carter wants to sell a used 20" iMac, and it will be listed there real soon.  You'll find the list of features under that heading of Benefits: "Member For Sale Items."  (You'll also find some helpful articles written by John in Benefits under "Tips 'n' Tricks." And he's written some "Software, Hardware, and Book Reviews" under the heading of Reviews.) 
        Of course, you'll want to check out the PMUG Calendar because that's how you find out that instead of meeting from 10 am to 12 on 1-17, the meeting will be from 1pm to 3.  


iPad 4 For Sale

        John Carter announces that as soon as his iPad Air 2 arrives he will release his iPad4 for sale for $375.00.   He says, "There are minor dents and scratches, and it is fully functional. This includes Logitech Ultrathin keyboard cover, the original box and power adapter included for both iPad and keyboard.  It's  updated with iOS 8.1, and it's reset to factory defaults." You can call John at 928-458-0570 or email him at  and he'll be happy to give you more details. 


Save on MacBook Air Now

       "I love my MacBook Air," announces Prez Art Gorski.  He then gives the good news,  "And just this week Apple announced new models with slightly different processors that don’t make a big difference in performance. But they dropped the price $100. Everyone selling the older, practically just as good, models are scrambling to unload them at reduced prices. 
        "This article is a great resource for locating the best deal if you’re in the market right now: 

        Art's final advice, "Want to save even more? Go to the on-line Apple Store and take a look at the Refurbished older models available. They’re even cheaper!"

Apps on Sale

         "Get 'em while they're hot!" smiles John Carter.  Here's his find:  "CNET News is showing another sale for Mac apps that some of our members might want to jump on.

        "For only $19.99 you can get (supposedly) $1,776 worth of apps. The apps include BoinxTV, MacJournal, Toon Boom Studio, AccountEdge Pro, iSale, Picturesque, Starry Night Pro, Xojo Desktop, and a mystery item." Take a look:

For Sale!

        Here's that cheery exclamation:  "For Sale."  Mary Ann Clark announces that there's another item now listed on the pmug website:  This information comes via John Carter, and that reminds us all to check this For Sale feature when you can.  You not buying anything just now?  Well, pass the word along to your friends.  
        (Today you'll find that new listing for an iMac, plus another iMac and an iPad.)


CopyLess Clipboard Manager

       " Here is a short blurb about the CopyLess Clipboard Manager," states Jim Hamm.  He goes on with more details, " I've used this app for over a year now and can recommend it if you need/want to keep a history of items you've copied to the clipboard handy for future reference. It is simple to use and takes only about 8MB of memory when it's running. I have it open at startup and leave it running all the time." He found it for $6.99.
        Today iTunes  has it listed for $1.99. 


FREE and Reduced-price eBooks

        Again Jim Hamm keeps us posted on FREE and inexpensive stuff!  "eReaderIQ is back, and now offers one free eBook and several reduced-price eBooks from Amazon. If interested, you might take a look and perhaps subscribe to their offerings."
Here's this:


Happy Computer = Happy You

        Hope it doesn't happen to you!  The latest posting at Tech Tails gives you some remedies for food/water accidental damages. It's a Small Dog Electronics newsletter  
         And while you're in the vicinity check out another of their weekly newsletters  .  Here's their phrase:  “that spinning data depository in your Mac could suddenly become little more than a good doorstop,”  speaking of your hard drive inside your computer.  Read about the Time Capsule that's on sale.   


Save $$$ -- Be Happy!

        Want to save money on Apple products?  Look what Prez Art Gorski found, "A little known fact is that you can buy Apple refurbished products at the Apple Store at a nice discount. I've done this myself. Now Apple has a refurbished products store on eBay, where not only is the shipping free, but it looks like there is no sales tax charged as well. Happy shopping!" 
        What a deal!  One year warranty, like-new condition, comes with manual, cable, and the final quality inspection by Apple.   This site has 21 products listed as of today, 3-9-13.   Positive feedback for the last 12 months is 99.7% for the seller.  Take a look.  Thanks, Art.


Let Us Know

       "In the transition of the website responsibilities two important parts of the site were lost: the For Sale Items and the Member Business Cards," relates Mary Ann Clark, the PMUG webmaster. 

        "If you have it item you'd like to offer For Sale through the club website, please send me a photo and short (50 word) description of the item. Be sure to include your contact information. I will post your item for 30 days. If your item hasn't sold within 30 days, let me know and I'll extend the listing.
        "If you have a product or service you think would be of interest to club members, please send me a scan of your business card or a business-card sized ad (~3.5 x 2 inches)."  Send this info to and we thank you for your participation! Here's the website: 

On Sale in Peoria

        How do the words "on sale" sound to you?  How about "Black Friday" or "Door Busters"?  The Peoria MacMedia Store is even giving a $10 credit for any donation from non-perishable food to toys. . . and get this . . . message therapists will be on duty.  Advertising food and beverages, along with great deals grabs our attention.  Take a look here.  
