PMUG website

Newly Elected Officers

         The annual election of Prescott Mac User Group PMUG officers was held Saturday.  Here's our officers for 2015-2016:  Sondra Bradshaw = President.  Art Gorski = Vice President.  Secretary = Bobbie Pastor.  Treasurer = David Passell.  
      Yes, Bobbie and David are continuing to serve again.    And a big thanks to outgoing Prez Robert Raess, and Vice President Pam Wickstrom.  We appreciate everyone who helps make this a really good organization.  Check out

Have You Noticed?

             There are some really good Apple devices,  iPad, iPhone,  Mac computers of various sizes, etc. And there's new advancements in technology.  Great reasons to connect with some friendly people in your local area who know helpful stuff.  It's logical to come and visit our Prescott Mac User Group -- or the one nearest you. 
            Secretary Bobbie Pastor had a good presentation on Saturday.  Prez Rob Raess and John Carter helped make it interesting. 
            We're all learning and discovering.  And you don't have to be an expert to volunteer to help in some way.  Next month is our annual election.  We encourage each other by attending, so check out the site for more info.  

Got a New Apple Product?

         If you — or a friend of yours — received a new Mac computer or iPad, iPod, iPhone for a holiday gift  (Congratulations!)  you'll want to mark your calendar now. You can learn more and make friends at the Prescott Mac User Group. 
         Bobbie Pastor, PMUG secretary has just reminded us of the January events.  John Carter and Bobbie hold SIGS (Special Interest Groups) on the first and fourth Fridays each month. 
         Our monthly meetings are practical and fun. January 18, 10 am to 12 starts us off.  Prez Art Gorski has plans for the year to announce, and Ginger Carlson, our cookie lady, will have some yum-yums for us.  Other board members, David Rothgery and David Passell will be happy to shake your hand.  And you'll meet the other Chairs, Mary Ann Clark, Ward Stanke, Sharon Lampert, Howard Reider, and Elaine Hardt. 
        So come and bring a friend! 

Let Us Know

       "In the transition of the website responsibilities two important parts of the site were lost: the For Sale Items and the Member Business Cards," relates Mary Ann Clark, the PMUG webmaster. 

        "If you have it item you'd like to offer For Sale through the club website, please send me a photo and short (50 word) description of the item. Be sure to include your contact information. I will post your item for 30 days. If your item hasn't sold within 30 days, let me know and I'll extend the listing.
        "If you have a product or service you think would be of interest to club members, please send me a scan of your business card or a business-card sized ad (~3.5 x 2 inches)."  Send this info to and we thank you for your participation! Here's the website: 

Happy New Year!

Dear PMUG Members,
The PMUG Board would like to extend its sincere wishes for a Prosperous and Happy New Year to all the members.  We truly hope to see you all in 2013. 

Given a lot of hard work, time, and know-how, our PMUG website is easy to navigate, and is looking good, thanks to Mary Ann Clark.  Note that on the home page you can click RSS which takes you to NetNewsWire.  Here you can select both this newsblog; and the PMUG website so you can keep up with the latest additions.  Try it, you’ll like it.
     Our thanks to PMUG secretary Bobbie Pastor for the above announcement.  See you all on January 19 for our first meeting of 2013.

Check Out PMUG's Website

       Given a lot of hard work, time, and know-how, our PMUG website is easy to navigate, and is looking good, thanks to Mary Ann Clark.  Note that on the home page  you can click RSS which takes you to NetNewsWire.  Here you can select both this newsblog and the PMUG website so you can keep up with the latest additions.  Try it, you'll like it.  

December's Meeting on the 15th

        If you have your computer's Calendar subscribed to the PMUG calendar you're already anticipating our December 15 meeting from 10-12 am at the Prescott Public Library in the Founders Room downstairs.  The theme is "Genius Bar" and you're invited to submit your questions ahead of time.  Anyway, be sure to come.
     In the meantime, while our Prescott Mac User Group website is undergoing changes you'll want to check this blogspot site for info.

Social Networking Explained

        John Carter spoke on Social Networking to a combined group of PMUG and the local PC Club yesterday.  He’s posted the pdf under Benefits < Tips and Tricks.  Go here to the PMUG website. You’ll find an extensive report that would take 133 pages to print out! (John didn’t just do this off the top of his head!)  
        His report identifies the top social networking sites and discusses Protocol, Problems, Password, Privacy, Photos, and Possibilities.  

Getting to Know Mountain Lion

        Want to find out more about Mountain Lion? The talk given by John Carter and Art Gorski at the September general meeting has been prepared as a PDF file for your edification.

        The file can be reached by going to the PMUG's website, hover on Benefits, and click "Tips 'N Tricks" in the menu that pops up. Then scroll down and look for "Getting to know Mountain Lion." Right click on the link to download the PDF file to your computer or just click on it to view in the browser. 
        John Carter says, "This isn't everything you need to know about Mountain Lion. There are some 200 new features in Mountain Lion. You can find out about all of them by doing a search in a browser (with Google, Yahoo, MSN, or whatever), but it will take some detective work and patience to get through them all."  (Sounds like fun!) 

Take a Look at the PMUG Website

       John Carter announces that the PMUG website has been modified.  Take a look at the new look.  If you catch any broken links let John know.
        Note that you can access this newsletter from the header on the PMUG home page.  Hopefully you've subscribed by scrolling down this newsblog home page and clicking on Posts (Atom).  You'll get a short notice via your email when there's been something new posted here.

WOW! We're Listed with Woz

Our PMUG makes it to the top of the list. Not any list, mind you, but the Woz List. Feast your eyes on this,   a live link to our PMUG site. How did we get here? De Prez Howard LaPittus, take a bow!Howard emailed Janet Wozniak (Steve’s wife) who’s listed as a contact on Steve Wozniak’s website. Steve (as we know!) is the co-founder of Apple. Howard noticed that site's list of World Wide User Groups, and he inquired about having our PMUG listed. Janet emailed back to Howard, commenting “Woz and I are both big Mac fans. I have worked for Apple in the Education division for 15 ears. I used to go to the user group in Kansas when I lived there, and it was always a great experience.” Take a look at the Woz site; “you could spend hours on this page. It can really make you feel good you own a Mac. Enjoy!

Read a Book?

Ready to read? Roger Lakner, PMUG Ambassador informs us that the Library page on PMUG site now contains one new book and "Welcome to Macintosh," a movie. He explains, "When you open the Library page, click on "Books" below my picture and select "Movies" to see the movie listing. Randy Calvert will get the new items this weekend. New total items = 42."

When you see a book that piques your interest click to let Randy know so he can bring that book to you at the next meeting, or make other arrangements. And, please jot a note for the blog so we can let others know your opinion of the book or movie. Thanks!

Have You Seen the PMUG Library?

Let's take a look at how to make a PMUG book checkout. Roger Lakner has added about 15 books this year, and updates the website. Take a look and consider the possibilities!

See something you’d like to read? Contact Randy Calvert, PMUG librarian and he’ll bring the book to the next meeting, or make other arrangements for you to borrow it. Do you know of a book not listed that you’d like PMUG to buy? Contact Roger Lakner, Ambassador.