CEO Tim Cook says the watch is right on schedule. On Tuesday he also reported the Apple record profit of $18 billion.
Some Hidden Features in OS X Yosemite
"Here's some tips on Yosemite that might be helpful," announces Jim Hamm. Take a look here.
More About Yosemite
He couldn't make it to the PMUG meeting this afternoon, but Jim Hamm shares this helpful info about Yosemite. Look at this set of videos: and see 20 helpful tips at Computerworld.
A New Threat to Your Computer
An article titled, "World's First (Known) Bootkit for OS X Can Permanently Backdoor Macs" describes this new malware. You'll want to read it at ArsTechnica, dated 1-7-15.
App Store Set a New Record
According to Apple Hot News of 1-8-15, "The first week of January set a new record for billings from the App Store. Apple customers worldwide spent nearly half a billion dollars on apps and in-app purchases, and New Year’s Day 2015 marked the single biggest day ever in App Store sales history." Read more here at
Mac Memorabilia Needs a Good Home
Do you collect old Mac memorabilia or know someone does? Jim Hamm has received info from the Arizona Macintosh Users Group, looking for someone who might be interested. From magazines from 1983, to some user guides, original manuals, conference ephemera, it's quite a list. The owner is a retired electronic engineer who has been an Apple certified software developer. Contact him directly here.
Take Command of the Photoshop Basics
John Carter has some good news, "CreativeLive is offering a FREE online course in Photoshop.
"In his three-day live class, Photoshop Hall of Famer Ben Willmore will not only introduce you to Photoshop's interface and essential tools, but will also show you how to make simple changes that will have a big impact on your images. You'll learn how to:
"If you feel intimidated by Photoshop, this beginner-level class will give you the skills and confidence to take command of the program for amazing results. RSVP Now!
A Fan of Photoshop?
"If you're a fan of Photoshop, following are comments from a blog I follow that might be of interest, " Jim Hamm begins, and he goes on to explain, "I've not checked any of the websites, but I fully trust the guy writing the suggestions (I know him), so you might see if any of this would be helpful."
(You'll find that word FREE by the end of the quotation!)
"I’ve mentioned some of this before, but for you Photoshop aficionados, or you Photoshop newbies, or wantabes, I’ve come across some great tutorial sites for you to take a look at.
New Apple Malware is Undetectable and Can Infect Any Thunderbolt-equipped Device
Jim Hamm sends us this report from ExtremeTech about new Apple malware that is undetectable, unstoppable. and can infect any Thunderbolt-equipped device.
Hackers, Technology, Etc.
A PC friend alerted us to the February issue of Popular Mechanics. Look at their articles on hackers, technology, terror. Keep informed.
Gmail: A Handy Tip
"Gmail saves everything you have deleted for up to 30 days," says John Carter. He continues, "You can find those deleted items in the 'All Mail' folder of Gmail. That folder contains the master of every message you ever received, ever sent, and ever deleted. If you have the 'All Mail' folder visible in the Mail app, you can do a search for any message using that folder.
Automatic Security Update
Here's some unexpected news. Jim Hamm lets us in on this, "Apple has issued a security update for the Mac, which doesn't require any action by you -- it's automatically installed. Further info in the article below. A quick search of Apple Security brings up other articles with info on this new fix.
More on Apple Mail and Pages
Info on Apple Mail and Pages has been posted by Mary An Clark on the PMUG site: and we can thank John Carter for being the contact person for this. Take a look at the other reports posted there, too.
Internet Videos Show "How To"
Want to do more on Mac, your iPhone, your iPad? John Carter found a site for you that has 500+ video tutorials.
John says, "There are several places on the Internet where you can get video tutorials that clearly step through the processes one needs to know to accomplish what may seem at the outset to be only for gurus.
"For instance, you’ve probably heard about Pixelmator and how it can give you fine control over editing a photo at a fraction of the price of Adobe Photoshop CS. Or, now that Yosemite is out, just how much more can it do and how can you discover how to use those new features?
"From iOS to Mac, there is one place dedicated to helping Mac users learn all they can, and even introduce applications you’ve probably never heard of, and that’s"
Do You Know Your Recovery Key?
"If you use Apple's two-factor authentication, be sure you know — and don't lose — your recovery key. Take a read on the following article," Jim Hamm advises. See it here:
Dropped Your Phone in Water?
Facebook Scam
"There's a new Facebook email scam going around now," John Carter warns. "It has all the appearances of coming from Facebook, but it didn't. In the email, it says that your account has had some suspicious activity and that it has been blocked. You can unblock the account by clicking on the link in the email. DON'T! "
And here's what to do, John says, "To confirm that your Facebook account is okay, just go to and log in. Not surprisingly, you'll be able to log in with no problem.
Being Careful to Avoid Viruses
John Carter knows what he's talking about. He writes, "In my experience, there are NO Mac viruses that Apple hasn’t taken care of, and that the only threats found anywhere are in some email message or in an application that is not blessed by Apple; in the latter case, it won’t be found in the App Store.
Apple Store in Turkey Wins Supreme Award
On Cult of Mac, dated Dec. 12 we find fascinating facts about the amazing Apple Store in Istanbul, Turkey which just won a Supreme Engineering Award. Called an "impossibly perfect glass lantern" the top consists of four glass panels seamlessly joined on site with structural silicone. You'll want to see the photos here: and here:
Check out the PMUG Site
We're reminded to check out the Prescott Mac User Group website, for all sorts of good info. John Carter wants to sell a used 20" iMac, and it will be listed there real soon. You'll find the list of features under that heading of Benefits: "Member For Sale Items." (You'll also find some helpful articles written by John in Benefits under "Tips 'n' Tricks." And he's written some "Software, Hardware, and Book Reviews" under the heading of Reviews.)
Of course, you'll want to check out the PMUG Calendar because that's how you find out that instead of meeting from 10 am to 12 on 1-17, the meeting will be from 1pm to 3.