February 8, 2020

10 am to 12 noon

Yavapai College, Building 3 Room 119

Program: Passoword Managers by Art Gorski.

Art Gorski will discuss the benefits of using a password manager with demonstrations using 1Password. Presentation.

Mac Basics: Printers by Jim Romaine. Presentation.

Q&A: Now if any members have a question about using Apple products, you can submit your written question to John Carter, jrcpvaz@icloud.com. He will try to get you an answer during our Q & A session at the end of the meeting.

PMUG meets the 2nd Saturday morning at 10 AM in Building 3, Room 119 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. Exceptions will be when the college is closed. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes and Financial Report)

January 11, 2020

10 am to 12 noon

Yavapai College, Building 3 Room 119

Program: Genius Bar
Art Gorski, Frank Croft, and John Carter will be on the panel to answer questions that have been emailed or from the floor. Please submit your questions to John Carter (jrcpvaz@icloud.com).

Questions submitted for consideration by our geniuses.

Mac Basics: MacMost by Frank Croft.

PMUG meets the 2nd Saturday morning at 10 AM in Building 3, Room 119 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. Exceptions will be when the college is closed. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes and Financial Report)

December 14, 2019

10 am to 12 noon

Yavapai College, Building 3 Room 119

Program: New Hardware: Macs, iPads, iPhones, Watches, by Jim Romaine and Art Gorski

Art Gorski will describe the new hardware features of Apple’s new iPhones and Apple Watch.
iPhone Presentation. Watch Presentation

1912-Meeting Notice.jpg

Mac Basics: Whole Time

PMUG meets the 2nd Saturday morning at 10 AM in Building 3, Room 119 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. Exceptions will be when the college is closed. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes and Financial Report)

November 9, 2019

10 am to 12 noon

Yavapai College, Building 3 Room 119

Program: MacOS Catalina by John Carter

macOS Catalina is now available for updating and there are more changes than can be covered in detail in just one meeting. The November general meeting will cover the changes that you will most likely be interested in. We will also go through step by step how to do the update.


Please note that Catalina can only be updated on the following computers:

• 12-inch MacBook

• MacBook Air, 2012 and later • MacBook Pro, 2012 and later • Mac Mini, 2012 and later

• iMac, 2012 and later

• iMac Pro

• Mac Pro, 2013 and later

Also note that 32-bit applications will no longer work in this update.

Mac Basics: Securing Your Mac, by Frank Croft. Presentation.

PMUG meets the 2nd Saturday morning at 10 AM in Building 3, Room 119 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. Exceptions will be when the college is closed. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes and Financial Report)

October 12, 2019

10 am to 12 noon

Yavapai College, Building 3 Room 119

Program: iPadOS update, John Carter

Program materials.

Short Topics: iOS and watchOS updates, Frank Croft

PMUG meets the 2nd Saturday morning at 10 AM in Building 3, Room 119 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. Exceptions will be when the college is closed. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes and Financial Report)

September 14, 2019

10 am to 12 noon

Yavapai College, Building 3 Room 119

Program: All About Mail: Using a client app vs online, iCloud vs Gmail, iOS vs macOS, and more! by John Carter. Presentation

Short topic: A variety of iOS and macOS tips.

Mac Basics: MacMost

PMUG meets the 2nd Saturday morning at 10 AM in Building 3, Room 119 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. Exceptions will be when the college is closed. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes and Financial Report)

August 6, 2019 (Tuesday)

10 am to 12 noon

Yavapai College, Building 3 Room 119 [notice change to our new regular meeting location]

Program: Apple Maps and GPS use by Mark Troster

Prescott is surrounded by an amazing trail system. The Prescott Recreation website has a wealth of GPS enabled maps that were designed to work with the Avenza app in Apple and Android. If you're new to hiking or have been on the trail for years the app and these maps will take to new and wonderful places. Presentation.

Time Machine backup vs a clone: Do you need to keep a clone of the computer if you are using Time Machine to back up the computer? The short answer is yes, you cannot boot from a Time Machine backup, and if you are unable to restore the operating system from the Internet, then your only safety net is a clone.

MacMost: For almost all questions you have about how to use your Apple product (software and hardware), search for “macmost” in YouTube or go to macmost.com. There are literally hundreds of tips and tricks about Apple products there.

PMUG meets the 2nd Saturday morning at 10 AM in Building 3, Room 119 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. Exceptions will be when the college is closed. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes and Financial Report)

Saturday, July 13, 2019

11 to 2 am, Hilltop Ramada at Willow Lake. Picnic catered by Bonn-Fire Chillin’ & Grillin’

Annual (But Not Every Year) Picnic


PMUG meets the 2nd Saturday morning at 10 AM in Building 4, Room 102 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. Exceptions will be when the college is closed. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes and Financial Report)

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

9:30 am to 11:30

Yavapai College, Building 3 Room 119 [notice date and place change for the summer]

Program: AppleTV 4.

Apple released their first Apple TV in 2007, 12 years ago, and the current versions available are the Apple TV 4th Gen and 4K, 5th Gen. Do you have one yet? Are you thinking about getting one or just want to know why you should be interested in one? This product is a key component of the Apple EcoSystem.

Dave Rothgery will cover the Apple TV 4th Gen and 4K 5th Gen, and why you might want get one, what are the differences in the two models, what can it do for you, and how to use it. We will also discuss how this product could enable you to “cut the cord” from your local TV provider. We will also cover Apple’s recent announcements about the future of AppleTV. Presentation.

Mac Basics: Macmost

PMUG meets the 2nd Saturday morning at 10 AM in Building 4, Room 102 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. Exceptions will be when the college is closed. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes and Financial Report3

Annual (But Not Every Year) Picnic


On July 13, we will meet at the Hilltop Ramada at Willow Lake from 11 to 2 for a picnic catered by the Bonn-Fire. Members and guests $10 per person, $5 for vegetarians. Please RSVP to the treasurer (sharon.wlsh@gmail.com) by the June 11. Limit 60 people.

May 11, 2019

10 am to noon

Yavapai College, Building 4 Room 102

Program: Frank Croft, Apple Watch
Apple released their first Apple Watch 4 years ago, and it is now the best selling smart watch. Do you have one yet? Are you thinking about getting one or just want to know what all the fuss is about? Our talk at the Prescott Mac Users Group will cover the Apple Watch, from the perspective of why should you buy it, what can it do for you, and how to use it. Come join use for some camaraderie, good Apple information, and coffee & cookies. Presentation Notes.

One other thing we discussed at the very end of the talk today was whether fall detection could be turned on or off. Front researched the topic and found the following article on the subject: https://www.macobserver.com/tips/quick-tip/turn-on-fall-detection-apple-watch-series-4/

Mac Basics: Macmost

PMUG meets the 2nd Saturday morning at 10 AM in Building 4, Room 102 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. Exceptions will be when the college is closed. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes and Financial Report)

April 13, 2019

10 am to noon

Yavapai College, Building 4 Room 102

Program: Jim Romain Music

The topic this month is MUSIC! 🎼 Jim Romaine has compiled a lot of material to share with you. He is bringing his own HomePod to the meeting for a “Show & Tell”. That’s great news. I, for one, have been wanting to know how that device works. He will also so us how our other Apple devices interact with the HomePod.

In addition, Jim will  cover iTunes, Apple Music, Pandora and other alternatives to bring music to our  home.

Mac Basics: Macmost

PMUG meets the 2nd Saturday morning at 10 AM in Building 4, Room 102 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. Exceptions will be when the college is closed. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes and Financial Report)

March 9, 2019

10 am to noon

Yavapai College, Building 4 Room 102

Program: John Carter will do a comparison between Pages, Word and Libre Office. (Link to Comparisons)

Mac Basics: John, Apple TV (Link to Comparison), Macmost

Tidbits: “Why aren’t my Contacts syncing across my devices?” Link to Presentation

PMUG meets the 2nd Saturday morning at 10 AM in Building 4, Room 102 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. Exceptions will be when the college is closed. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes and Financial Report)

February 9, 2019

10 am to noon

Yavapai College, Building 4 Room 102

Program: Hidden Features in Software

Apple has 4 different Operating Systems (or OS’s, the underlying software that allows Apps to work) depending on the hardware device that you are using:

  • MacOS running on all Macs

  • iOS running on iPhones, iPads and iPods (Buttons/Gestures for iPhone X +)

  • tvOS running on the Apple TV

  • WatchOS running on the Apple Watches

In this talk Frank Croft will point out little tricks and tips of some of the less commonly used capabilities of all four OS’s. Want to get more out of your device?? Come learn how its the little things that sometimes count!! Link to Presentation.

Mac Basics: Mac maintenance using Onyx, Disk Utility, and CleanMyMac.

Time permitting, Adobe Flash Player will be discussed. All by John Carter. Link to Presentation.

PMUG meets the 2nd Saturday morning at 10 AM in Building 4, Room 102 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. Exceptions will be when the college is closed. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes and Financial Report)

January 12, 2019

10 am to noon

Yavapai College, Building 3, Room 19 (NOTE ROOM CHANGE)

Program: Genius Bar with Frank Croft & Art Gorski

The Genius Bar, where you, the members will submit your questions ahead of time to the panel of experts. 

Please send your questions to our president (jrcpvaz@icloud.com) so he can forward them to the geniuses who will answer your questions in the meeting. The questions can pertain to the Mac, iPad, iPhone or Apple TV. We need your questions no later than January 9 to give our geniuses a chance to find out the answers.

This gives everybody and opportunity to hear answers to questions that they might not have thought of. (Link to Questions & Answers)

It is also DUES RENEWAL MONTH. You can bring your checks in on Saturday or mail them to:

Make payable to PMUG  $25

Sharon Walsh
7742 North Highview
Prescott Valley, AZ 86315

PMUG meets the 2nd Saturday morning at 10 AM in Building 4, Room 102 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. Exceptions will be when the college is closed. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes and Financial Report)

December 8, 2018

10 am to noon

Yavapai College, Building 4 Room 102

Accessibility Features

Jim Romaine will discuss the new Accessibility and Security features in Mojave. John Carter will talk on Accessibility and Frank Croft will talk about = Security.

Mac Basics: TBD

PMUG meets the 2nd Saturday morning at 10 AM in Building 4, Room 102 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. Exceptions will be when the college is closed. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes and Financial Report)

November 10, 2018

10 am to noon

Yavapai College, Building 4 Room 102

Program: 2 iPhones, 2 iPads, 2 Macs, and a Pencil

All of Apple’s new hardware announcements will be dissected. Meeting Notes.

Mac Basics: TBD


  • Resize image files with Preview. LINK 

  • Working with Desktop Stacks.   LINK  

PMUG meets the 2nd Saturday morning at 10 AM in Building 4, Room 102 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. Exceptions will be when the college is closed. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes and Financial Report)

October 13, 2018

10 am to noon

Yavapai College, Building 4 Room 102

iOS 12, Apple Watch & Mohave update

This month we'll talk about the new Apple software releases.

Art Gorski will be talking about Mojave. https://arstechnica.com/features/2018/09/macos-10-14-mojave-the-ars-technica-review/

Apple released their latest version of iOS for the iPhone, iPad and iPod last month. This is version 12, and it represents a major leap forward. As Apple has said, it makes the users experience faster, more responsive and more delightful. Frank Croft will be talking about the enhancements, improvements and new capabilities of iOS 12. He will also introduce Apple's newest Watch, called the Series 4, and the Watch OS 5.0 software that will run on all Series 1, 2, 3, and 4 watches out there. If you are lucky, you can see a Series 4 in action! iOS Presentation, Watch Presentation.


  • Do-Not-Disturb Option  LINK

PMUG meets the 2nd Saturday morning at 10 AM in Building 4, Room 102 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. Exceptions will be when the college is closed. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes and Financial Report)

September 8, 2018

10 am to noon

Yavapai College, Building 4 Room 102

Program Printers and Ink

Jeff Ian of Think4Inc

Jeff is a founding member of PMUG and the owner of Think4Ink, an ink and toner cartridge retail store in Prescott. His presentation will express his views on how to achieve reliable and cost-effective printing for your devices, based on his years of experience in the business. Find out more about the best inks and new printer hardware.  


  • The Measure app.   LINK
  • The App Switcher.  LINK

Mac Basics: Jim Romain with tips and tricks Attachment

PMUG meets the 2nd Saturday morning at 10 AM in Building 4, Room 102 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. Exceptions will be when the college is closed. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes and Financial Report)

August 11, 2018

10 am to noon

Yavapai College, Building 4 Room 102

Program Potpourri

UPDATE! Justin Corbell will not be able to talk to us about Big Brothers, Big Sisters, and his book “iGen." Instead we will have a potpourri of short topics including John Carter's demonstration of controlling his drone with his iPad. 

PMUG meets the 2nd Saturday morning at 10 AM in Building 4, Room 102 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. Exceptions will be when the college is closed. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes and Financial Report)

July 10, 2018 (Tuesday)

9 am to 11

Yavapai College, Building 4 Room 102 (note change from regular meeting time)

Program: Pages for OS and iOS

John Carter will show us how to use Pages to create documents - of all kinds - with an emphasis on using paragraph styles to format the text. Presentation in Pages.

Mac Basics: A quick look at Notes and Reminders, John Carter

iOS Tidbits: - Bobbie

  • Messages in iCloud.    LINK
  • Contacts, Calendars and Reminders for Mac.    LINK
  • Contacts, Calendars and Reminders for iOS.  LINK

During the summer PMUG will meet on the second TUESDAY of June and July at 10 AM in Building 4, Room 102 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. In August, PMUG will resume our regular meeting on the 2nd Saturday morning. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes)