June 12, 2018 (Tuesday)

9 am to 11 am

Yavapai College, Building 4 Room 102 (note change from regular meeting time)

Mac Basics: OSX Browser Frank Croft.

Presentation in Keynote or PDF.

Program: Internet Browsing, Music, Books & Movies

Jim Romaine

Presentation in Keynote or PDF format.

During the summer PMUG will meet on the second TUESDAY of June and July at 10 AM in Building 4, Room 102 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. In August, PMUG will resume our regular meeting on the 2nd Saturday morning. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes)

May 5, 2018

Note Change from our Regular Meeting Date

10 am to noon

Yavapai College, Building 3 Room 119 (note change from regular meeting room)

This is the cafeteria building and the meeting room is behind the cafeteria room. It is a large room where they hold the “Lunch and Munch” classes for OLLI. 

Program: Photography (Part 2)

Frank Croft and John Carter will continue their interactive presentation on using your iOS devices to take photographs. This is an introduction to what is a Photo/Image, and then how to take, store, transfer and process those images when taken on an iOS device. John and Frank have both, in their respective fields, been taking and processing photos for many years and will explain the above tasks in hopefully an engaging way using the old “Huntley/Brinkley” method. Bring you favorite iOS device and come explore its capabilities with us.

Mac Basics: Formating Hard Drives by John Carter

PMUG meets the 2nd Saturday morning at 10 AM in Building 4, Room 102 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. Please notice that this month we are meeting in Building 3 Room 129. Exceptions will be when the college is closed. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes)

Meeting Tidbit:

  • Beginners Guide to Mac Scroll Bars. Link

NOTICE: During the summer PMUG will meet on the second TUESDAY of June and July at 10 AM in Building 4, Room 102 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. In August, PMUG will resume our regular meeting on the 2nd Saturday morning. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes)

April 14, 2018

10 am to noon

Yavapai College, Building 4 Room 102

Program: Files App and iCloud

Apple has been working on “cloud” based services since they came out with MobileMe (also known as iTools, then .Mac) in the year 2000. In 2012, they came out with iCloud. Frank Croft will be talking about what it is now, how it works, and showing some of the many services that it provides. Since Apple is moving more to the cloud, this will benefit everyone who has a Mac and/or an iOS device. Presentation Notes. Audio Version of talk (requires VLC or equivalent software).

Mac Basics: Be an Apple Genius by Bobbie Pastor.

What do you do when your Mac goes wrong? Bobbie has a little handbook that shows you how to diagnose problems with unresponsive Macs. Presentation Notes.

Meeting Tidbits:

✤ Battery Health. Link
✤ Using basic dictation commands. Link
✤ Free up storage on your iPhone and iPad. Link 

PMUG meets the 2nd Saturday morning at 10 AM in Building 4, Room 102 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. Exceptions will be when the college is closed. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes)

March 10, 2018

10 am to noon

Yavapai College, Building 3 Room 119 (note change from regular meeting room)

This is the cafeteria building and the meeting room is behind the cafeteria room. It is a large room where they hold the “Lunch and Munch” classes for OLLI. 

Program Photography

Frank Croft and John Carter will do an interactive presentation on using your iOS devices to take photographs. This is an introduction to what is a Photo/Image, and then how to take, store, transfer and process those images when taken on an iOS device. John and Frank have both, in their respective fields, been taking and processing photos for many years and will explain the above tasks in hopefully an engaging way using the old “Huntley/Brinkley” method. Bring you favorite iOS device and come explore its capabilities with us. Presentation PDF with presenter notes.

Mac Basics: Frank Croft will talk about buying an iMac.

The only constant in this world is change. As such, if you looked at Apple Computer’s hardware choices a year ago, you are behind the 8 ball. I will quickly run through the current Apple iMac offerings to simplify their specifications and help you identify the best iMac for your buck!

Meeting Tidbits: Learn more about Using Image Capture, Expanding Save and Print Dialogs, Printing and Sharing portions of a Document, Freeing up Space on your iPhone.

PMUG usually meets the 2nd Saturday morning at 10 AM in Building 4, Room 102 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. Please notice that this month we are meeting in Building 3 Room 119. Exceptions will be when the college is closed. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes)

February 10, 2018

10 am to noon

Yavapai College, Building 4 Room 102


Program: Routers and Security

Art Gorski will offer tips on how to setup and configure your home router for safe computing, and how to maintain your router with regular security updates. (Link to presentation documents)

Mac Basics: John Carter introduces 1Password. See also Art Gorski's longer talk from August 2017

PMUG meets the 2nd Saturday morning at 10 AM in Building 4, Room 102 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. Exceptions will be when the college is closed. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes)

January 13, 2018

Program: Genius Bar with Art Gorski & Ward Stanke

The Genius Bar, where you, the members will submit your questions ahead of time to the panel of experts. 

Please send your questions to our secretary (pmugbobbie@gmail.com) so she can forward them to the geniuses who will answer your questions in the meeting. The questions can pertain to the Mac, iPad, iPhone or Apple TV. We need your questions no later than January 10 to give our geniuses a chance to find out the answers.

This gives everybody and opportunity to hear answers to questions that they might not have thought of. (Link to Questions)

Mac Basics: Discussion of Apple apology for the slow-down of older iPhones and the battery replacement program. You don't need to buy a new iPhone/iPad just because your battery doesn’t hold a charge.

Art will also talk about the apparent increase in attempts by hackers to target Apple users. Some people have received phone calls from people representing themselves as Apple or getting virus alert pop-ups representing themselves as Apple Support.   

PMUG meets the 2nd Saturday morning at 10 AM in Building 4, Room 102 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. Exceptions will be when the college is closed. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes)


December 9, 2017

10 am to noon

Yavapai College, Building 4 Room 102

Apps for Seniors

Art Gorski will take us on a whirlwind tour of a variety of apps in many categories that can be useful for seniors and retirees. Buy yourself a Christmas present! Meeting notes.

PMUG meets the 2nd Saturday morning at 10 AM in Building 4, Room 102 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. Exceptions will be when the college is closed. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes)

November 11, 2017

10 am to noon

Yavapai College, Building 4 Room 102

iOS World

Frank Croft will answer all your questions about iOS and the latest release including: 

  • What is the iOS world?
  • Why should I care about upgrading?
  • What is the hardware (new & old) and the paths for upgrading?
  • What does the new release (iOS 11) bring to me?

Link to meeting notes.

PMUG meets the 2nd Saturday morning at 10 AM in Building 4, Room 102 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. Exceptions will be when the college is closed. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes)

October 14, 2017

10 am to noon

Yavapai College, Building 4 Room 102

Mac OS High Sierra

Join us to watch a series of videos on how to prepare your Mac for this upgrade, the upgrade steps you’ll go through, and descriptions and demonstrations of all the new features in Apple’s latest operating system.

Mac Basics: Apple TV by Bobbie Pastor

PMUG meets the 2nd Saturday morning at 10 AM in Building 4, Room 102 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. Exceptions will be when the college is closed. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes)

September 9, 2017

10 am to noon

Yavapai College, Building 4 Room 102

All About Apples's Calendar Program

Keep track of your busy schedule and share it with others using Calendar. Add events for your meetings, appointments, and activities, and set event alerts and receive notifications. Learn about using multiple calendars, viewing your calendars, adding, modifying, and deleting events, and using SIRI to quickly add an event to your calendar. Link to meeting notes.

Mac Basics: Ringtones on your iPhone, by Bobbie Pastor

PMUG meets the 2nd Saturday morning at 10 AM in Building 4, Room 102 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. Exceptions will be when the college is closed. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes)

August 12, 2017

10 am to noon

Yavapai College, Building 4 Room 102

"Playing Music on Your Apple Device"

Jim Romaine will talk about both iTunes on the Mac and the music app in iOS. He will explain how to get music into iTunes, how to sync music between the Mac and your iOS devices, storage considerations and play back options. He will also introduce us to some other music options such as Amazon Prime music, Pandora, Spotify and Tidal.

About Jim Romaine

My interest in computers began in 1984 when I purchased one of the first IBM personal computers.  Lotus 1-2-3 and Wordstar were the two programs I used most of the time for work and for personal use.  I basically taught myself how to use a PC, which allowed me to get promotions at work since very few individuals knew much about personal computers at the time.

A promotion to Imaging Administrator at the Department of Economic Security allowed me to gain valuable experience installing and administering a document imaging system.  I later took a job at the State Compensation Fund where I was System Administrator for two document imaging systems comprising 15 million documents.

After retiring from my imaging job in 2005, my wife, daughter and I relocated to Prescott.  I have a BS in Business from Arizona State University along with over 30 years in the computer/IT field.  I taught technology at a private school in Prescott for 10 years, during which time I supported about 50 PCs and over 100 iPads. 

Feeling frustrated with Windows based PCs, and all their hacking/security problems, I bought my first iMac in 2010.  I upgraded to a new iMac in 2016, and also own an iPhone 7, iPad Air 2, and MacBook Pro. 

July 11, 2017

July 11, 2017 10 am to noon

Yavapai College, Building 4 Room 102

Scrivener, by Mary Ann Clark

Scrivener is a powerful content-generation tool for writers that allows you to concentrate on composing and structuring long and difficult documents. While it gives you complete control of the formatting, its focus is on helping you get to the end of that awkward first draft. As both a word processor and project management tool, Scrivener can help you get from that first unformed idea to the final draft. Whether you're writing a novel, research paper, script or any long-form text, Scrivener can help you collect research, order fragmented ideas, shuffle electronic index cards in search of that elusive structure. Mary Ann will talk about how she uses Scrivener for novels and other long-form documents.  (Link to presentation documents)

Short Presentation at start of meeting will be Text Replacement on Mac OS and iOS.

During the summer PMUG will meet on the second TUESDAY of June and July at 10 AM in Building 4, Room 102 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. In August, PMUG will resume our regular meeting on the 2nd Saturday morning . Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes)

June 10, 2017

June 13, 2017 10 am to noon

Yavapai College, Building 4 Room 102

Program: Genius Bar with Art Gorski & Ward Stanke

The Genius Bar, where you, the members will submit your questions ahead of time to the panel of experts. They will answer your questions at the meeting. This gives everybody and opportunity to hear answers to questions that they might not have thought of. (Link to Questions)

During the summer PMUG will meet on the second TUESDAY of June and July at 10 AM in Building 4, Room 102 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. In August, PMUG will resume our regular meeting on the 2nd Saturday morning. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes)

May 6, 2017 Scrivener

May 6, 2017 10 am to noon

Note that this month's meeting is the 1st Saturday

Yavapai College, Building 4 Room 102

Contacts, Art Gorksi

Contacts is the included address book program for MacOS and iOS devices. Use the Contacts app to keep all your contacts in one place, and keep their information—including phone numbers, addresses, birthdays, and more—handy. When synced using your AppleID and iCloud, your contacts are kept up-to-date on all your Apple devices and are accessible at iCloud.com. Art will demonstrate how to use Contacts, organize your contacts into groups, and how Contacts is integrated into Apple Mail and other Apple apps. Link to meeting notes.

PMUG meets the 2nd Saturday morning at 10 AM in Building 4, Room 102 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. Exceptions will be when the college is closed. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes)

Note: Scrivener presentation has been rescheduled to July

April 8, 2017 Siri and Spotlight

April 8, 2017 10 am to noon

Yavapai College, Building 4 Room 102

Short Segment, iOS 10.3

With the recent Apple hardware announcements and the release of iOS 10.3, Art Gorski will discuss these topics for a few minutes at the beginning of the meeting. What should you do BEFORE installing the update? Art will help us do this update right. Backup Instructions.

Siri and Spotlight, Art Gorski

“Hey Siri, what’s the best sushi place in town?”

This month we're going to learn how you can use  Siri and Spotlight to get things done.

Siri works hands-free, so you can ask it to show you the best route home and what your ETA is while driving. It works with HomeKit to let your voice be the remote control for connected products in your home. And it’s tuned in to the world, working with Wikipedia, Yelp, Rotten Tomatoes, Shazam, and other online services to get you even more answers. The more you use Siri, the more you’ll realize how great it is. And just how much it can do for you.

You can use Spotlight to search for things like apps, documents, images and other files. In OS X Yosemite, Spotlight suggestions offer additional results like Wikipedia, news sites, Maps, iTunes, movie listings, and more. 

Join us Saturday, April 8 to learn more about these two wonders. Meeting Notes.

PMUG meets the 2nd Saturday morning at 10 AM in Building 4, Room 102 at the Prescott campus of Yavapai College. Exceptions will be when the college is closed. Map. Meeting agenda consists of one or two presentations followed by a membership meeting (guests are welcome to attend). (Link to Meeting Minutes)

ISP Privacy, Ward Stanke Presentation

January 14, 2017 Genius Bar

January 14, 2017 Genius Bar with Art Gorski & Ward Stanke

The Genius Bar, where you, the members will submit your questions ahead of time to the panel of experts. They will answer your questions at the meeting. This gives everybody and opportunity to hear answers to questions that they might not have thought of.

Another item on the agenda this month is the renewal of the dues. Remember, it is still an unbelievable deal of $20 a year for a family membership. You can pay at the meeting.

2016 Meetings

December 10, 2016 Double Feature: Making Address Labels and Cards
Followed by Roast & Toast

This month we have a special meeting. The presentation will be about making address labels and cards. Just in time for the holidays. John Carter will be our speaker. Meeting Notes.

The special part of this meeting will take place at 11:30. We will close our regular meeting early and have cake and coffee to wish John Carter best wishes and hopes for happiness in his new location.

Sondra will set aside time to Roast & Toast John, so if you would like to come prepared with some material, it would be a fun thing to do

November12, 2016 Double Feature: 2016 MacBook Pro and All About Personal Websites

Our own Art Gorski will be starting with a presentation on the new 2016 MacBook Pro just announced. Followed by a talk on why someone would want to have their own personal website, a short talk on the on-line tools for creating and hosting a website, and finally a short tutorial using one of the most popular free options, WeeblyMeeting Notes.

October  8, 2016 New Features of iOS 10 and MacOS Sierra

Our own Art Gorski will talk about the new Apple hardware announcements, iPhone 7 and Apple Watch, and an update on the latest version of Photos in Mac OS Sierra and iOS 10. Weebly will be the topic next month unless there are more Apple announcements, in which case we may do both. Meeting Notes.

September 10, 2016 Facebook

Does it feel like everyone you know is on Facebook? Do you want to join but aren’t sure how to start? In our first hour, John Carter will guide us through the fundamentals and you will be posting on your friends’ walls in no time.

Facebook is the larges online social networking site and currently has more than 1 billion users. Facebook allows people to interact, share photos and find people. In addition to using Facebook for social purposes, many people use it professionally for business networking. Presentation Slides.

In our second hour, we will have Tips & Tricks and our Favorite Apps segments. This will be your chance to share a fun or educational app with the membership.

August 13, 2016 1Password Password Manager

Art Gorski will demonstrate all the features of AgileBits’ 1Password on the Macintosh and iOS devices. This utility not only stores all your passwords but any kind of information you want to keep safe. Plus it will Autoave and fill passwords, credit cards, and addresses into webpages with a single click. Talk notes.

July 13What’s was New at the Apple’s Developers Conference? 

Art Gorski (our very own Apple developer) will present the topics covered at the June ’16 WWDC. Apple’s developer’s conference. Learn about all the new software that Apple is making available this fall. Meeting Notes.

June 8 Genius Bar

Our panel of geniuses, Art Gorski, Ward Stanke and John Carter, will answer all your Mac, iPhone, iPad, iWatch, iEverythingElse questions.

Now, what we need from you, are all those nagging little questions that never seem to get answered. Surely, you have come across situations where you haven’t been able to find answers. The guys need a challenge. It keeps their mind sharp.

Check out the meeting minutes for our genius’ answers.

May 7 Onyx Utility and Email

John Carter will demonstrate several pertinent and important features of Mail. In addition, John will spend a few minutes on the free app Onyx. Onyx (http://www.titanium.free.fr/onyx.html) is useful for cleaning out junk from a computer. It does many of the same functions as paid for apps, but requires a bit more interaction. Apple Mail PresentationOnyx Presentation.

April 23 Backup Strategies

Art Gorski will discuss backing up the data on your Apple devices. For Macintosh computers: Time Machine, cloud backups, and backup programs for creating clones and incremental backups. For iOS devices: iCloud and local iTunes backups to your Macintosh. Here are the Talk Notes and More Backup Information from Ward.

Art Gorski is the Vice-President of PMUG and moved to Prescott in 2007. He has been a member of PMUG since 2008. Art’s background in computers started in the late 70’s where he learned to program the 6502 microprocessor in hexadecimal machine language. He bought his first Apple II computer in 1978 and still owns it. During his career he wrote programs in assembly language and FORTRAN for real-time flight simulators. Today he programs for fun and has an iOS app in the App Store and is working on another.

March 19 Tips and Tricks

John Carter will be demonstrating tricks and tips that you can do with the iPhone. He will also be covering the editing programs that you can get for your Mac, iPad and iPhone.

February 20 Most Useful 3rd Party Apps, Utilities and Software

This month we have one of our “Experts”, Ward Stanke,  share the  third-party apps, utilities and software that he thinks might be useful for us to know about.

Bobbie will also present her favorite app called Ring Tones. How nice would it be to know who is calling before running to get to your phone? This maybe useful to know, as sometimes you may want to rush to the phone and sometimes,  you would prefer to “catch that person later”, so to speak. ?

If you have a favorite app, be ready to present, as time permits.

Here are copies of Wards presentation: Apps, Apps, Apps: Applications for PMUG Consensus and Mac|Life Applications.

January 16, 2016 Genius Bar

Our panel of geniuses, Art Gorski, John Carter and Ward Stanke, will answer all your Mac, iPhone, iPad, iWatch, iEverythingElse questions. Ward Stanke will be the moderator.

Now, what we need from you, are all those nagging little questions that never seem to get answered. Surely, you have come across situations where you haven’t been able to find answers. The guys need a challenge. It keeps their mind sharp.

2015 Meetings

December 19, 2015 Pages

Art Gorski will talk about the Pages app on the Macintosh and in iOS and will show interoperability via iCloud

November 21 2015 OS X El Capitan

Art Gorski will tell us all about Mac OS X El Capital. Apple says that more than ever, Mac is the computer people love to use And one of the biggest reasons is OS X. It’s what makes a Mac a Mac. Come and learn about all the new features of OS X 11.

October 24, 2015 What’s New in iOS i and Apple Hardware

Art Gorski will give a demonstration of all the new features of Apple’s new version of iOS as well as a look at the new iPhones, Apple TV, and the iPad Pro. Please note the change in date and time. This will be a very compact meeting because of these changes.

September 19, 2015 Annual Picnic

The social event of the season, the PMUG Annual Picnic, will be held at the Manzanita Village Common House,

Location: 258 Benjamin Drive, Prescott. Please come eat and visit with your fellow members. Friends and family members welcome. All food and bottled water furnished. Feel free to bring your own refreshments.

To defray costs, we are asking for $5 a person. RSVP by September 1.

August 15, 2015 Photos is Here!

Art Gorski will lend his expertise on the new Photos program in OS X and iOS 8.  There is quite a bit of a change from the old iPhoto, so this meeting is a must if you use your photos app at all.

Meeting starts at 1:00 p.m. Prescott Public Library.   If you want a table, come early and get your table from under the stairwell.  You are responsible returning the table back under the stairwell when finished,… the Library has a new policy.

July 18, 2015 Getting Started with Evernote

You’ve heard that Evernote (https://evernote.com) is one of the most powerful tools you can use to increase your productivity. It often makes those Top 10 Tools lists but what is it? What can you really use it for? How do you get started?

Marry Ann Clark is a long-time member of the group having been an Apple fan since 1979, first as an Apple II user and now as the proud owner of an Apple Air, iPad, and iPhone. She first started using Evernote in 2008 and still doesn’t feel as though she’s yet plumbed the depths of what it can do.

June 20 2015 Genius Bar

Our panel of geniuses, Art Gorski, John Carter and Ward Stanke, will answer all your Mac, iPhone, iPad, iWatch, iEverythingElse questions. Ward Stanke will be the moderator.

Now, what we need from you, are all those nagging little questions that never seem to get answered.  Now is the time to ask them and give our “geniuses” a brain workout

Send your questions in to me, pmugbobbie@gmail.com, and I will pass them on to our panel.  They will give you, your answer at the meeting.

May 16, 2015 OSX Yosemite Tutorial

The topic this month will be the tutorial from Noteboom Productions, entitled “Yosemite”.  We will get through as much of the tutorial as we can in an hour, with questions answered after break in the Q & A segment of the meeting.

April 18, 2015 1 pm What is the Deep and Dark Web?

JB Burke asks, What are the Deep Web and the Dark Web? How do they differ? Learn why you are only seeing a fraction of what’s on the internet when you search with Google or Bing. Need to buy guns or drugs? Hire a hit man? Browse the Library of Congress? You’ll know how after this informative and entertaining presentation. Deep Web-Dark Web Presentation

We are enhancing our Q & A portion of the meeting, this month.  So, you can submit questions to the secretary via email secretary@pmug.us or hand them in at the desk on Saturday and we will try to answer them.  We will be taking questions from the floor as usual, as well.

JB is to the PC club what John Carter is to PMUG. He is a retired IBM employee and does presentations to the PC club monthly. The presentation his is giving has been presented to the PC club and Pam thought the content would be interesting to the PMUG community as it platform independent.

March 21, 2015 Apple TV, mSecure and Tips and Tricks

This month we have a triple header. First John Carter will introduce the club to Apple TV, the Bob Kitterer will tell us all about mSecure, finally we’ll have a question and answer, tips and tricks session. Something for everyone!

John Carter has been an avid Mac user since 2002. He has recently discovered photography and astrophotography. To this end, John started the Digital Mac SIG (Special Interest Group). The purpose of the SIG is to introduce digital photography using a Mac and any camera of your choice, which may even be an iPhone or iPad. This presentation is not about how to take photos, but how to get them off the camera and into the computer, organize them, edit them, and share them.

Bob spent most of his working career doing physics, which means he broke lots of things. While in college he learned IBM assembly, FORTRAN and PASCAL programming languages. Later he taught himself a few versions of the Basic programming language. His first computer was a Bally Arcade which soon lead to an Apple II in 1978 and later Macs of which he had had a fair number.

 February 21, 2015 1 Using the Prescott Public Library E-Resources

Prescott Public Library offers reading in many formats, including eBooks and downloadable audiobooks from Overdrive, eBooks from eBrary and eMagazines from Zinio. Katy Copenhaver, Adult Services, has graciously consented to speak on the topic of E-Resources at our Library.

January 17, 2015 Yosemite Panel

Ward Stanke, Dave Rothgery, and Mike Pavlinch (a new member) will tell us all about Apple’s new Macintosh Operating System, Yosemite.  PMUG members requested this topic, and presenters will address the changes in the newest software and answer questions.  This is an opportunity for the group to learn about the software before upgrading. (Presentation Notes)