"If you've upgraded to Yosemite, no doubt you are aware of the many reviews and articles that are available about the new features contained therein. Here is a 50-minute video tutorial that I found helpful," writes Jim Hamm. "Two comments from the reviewer that I take exception to: he mentions that he feels a minimum of 8 GB of RAM is required to run Yosemite. I concur that 8GB would be nice, but by no means necessary. I have 4 GB of RAM and am running Yosemite quite satisfactorily.
More on Apple Pay
"Here's an interesting article on Apple Pay," Jim Hamm says.
The Future of Gmail
Jim Hamm takes a look at Gmail. "I like and have used Google's web-based Gmail for my email client for several years. Here is an article that postulates that Google will drop Gmail within five years, and explains why the author thinks so.
Some Retailers Blocking Apple Pay
"I haven't used Apple Pay yet, but from what I've read it's a better and more secure
system than using a credit card. Yet, two major retailers -- Rite Aid and CVS -- are
not going to use it. Why? The following article explains why," Jim Hamm tells us.
See here: http://daringfireball.net/2014/10/nfc_apple_pay (Remember, if you don't like to read white letters on a black background you can do the
four keys simultaneously: Control and Option and Command and the number 8.
Then you toggle back by doing the same 4 keys again.) Oh, and it helps if you enlarge the
text with Command and the + key. |
How To Videos & Apple News
If you get email from MacMost you already saw this. The October 23 issue has links to video tutorials, a featured iPhone/iPad app, and the list of stores and apps that accept Apple Pay payments.
Fix Annoying Quirks of Yosemite
Annoying? Quirks? Some people think so. Jim Hamm passes along this link from Macworld on how to fix the four most annoying quirks of Yosemite. He comments they "may or may not be an annoyance to you. If any of them are, there's a fix available."
Take a Look at Firefox
Maybe you've already seen this exciting Mozilla news that David Passell forwards here about the Firefox and You newsletter. Go to www.mozilla.org for the latest on their open Web and "The Open Standard" news source.
iPad 4 For Sale
John Carter announces that as soon as his iPad Air 2 arrives he will release his iPad4 for sale for $375.00. He says, "There are minor dents and scratches, and it is fully functional. This includes Logitech Ultrathin keyboard cover, the original box and power adapter included for both iPad and keyboard. It's updated with iOS 8.1, and it's reset to factory defaults." You can call John at 928-458-0570 or email him at john@jrcarter.com and he'll be happy to give you more details.
New Look and Features of Tunes 12
" Here is an article about the new look and features of iTunes 12," Jim Hamm informs us.
Macworld Expo Mothballed
"Following on the heels of the demise of the Macworld magazine is the announcement that the Macworld Expo is also gone. More info here. The first Macworld Expo that the wife and I went to was in February, 2008. This is where Jobs introduced the Macbook Air. I, of course, hurried home, bought one, and haven't looked back.
Installing Yosemite, Continued
Jim Hamm's done it, too. He tells us, "I just upgraded to Yosemite and it took a loooong time to download -- something like 12-14 hours! First time it ever took this long to do an upgrade. I guess Apple's servers were overloaded and slow. I just let it crank all night and finished the install this morning.
Yosemite is HERE!
You've heard about it, but John Carter has done it! Here's his report on updating his operating system to Yosemite 10.10. (Remember to click on each illustration to enlarge it, then click to go back to this report. And if this whole thing is hard to read do Command and the + to enlarge the page.) John says, "Everything changes appearances. Here's what my HOME page in Safari looks like:
Flashlight App Alert
"If you've installed a flashlight app on your smartphone you might want to take a look at the following video," declares Jim Hamm. He continues, "And here are the Android apps SnoopWall.com checked. No apps listed for iOS as yet, but if you have a flashlight app installed on an iPhone you might check the size of the app, as mentioned in the video. The cyber crooks are getting ever more devious in their malware." A Cybersecurity Threat That Could Be Lurking On Your Phone
Controversy on Amazon's Cloud
Wondering what's the CIA doing on Amazon's Cloud? It will be interesting to get more facts. David Passell sends this link to get informed.
Check Now for iWorm Threat
Jim Hamm passes along some vital information of this alert about a new threat to Mac OS X dubbed Mac.BackDoor.iWorm. Apparently over 18,500 Macs have already been infected. Read about it here. Remember how to find that hidden Library? See this http://www.cnet.com/how-to/how-to-make-your-macs-library-folder-visible/
Testing Your Internet Connection
Here's some food for thought from Jim Hamm: "Do you occasionally like to test your internet connection to see if you're getting close to the download speed you're paying for? I do, too. One test you might try using is: http://speedof.me/ .
Buying a Used iPhone?
Alerting us, David Passell says, "With people always on the lookout for 'bargains' here is something to be aware of when buying a used iPhone from eBay or other not-Apple sources. Buyers of second-hand iPhones can now more easily check that the previous owner still doesn't have control over the device." Read about it http://www.zdnet.com/apple-releases-activation-lock-status-checker-for-used-ios-devices-7000034285/
iCloud is Vulnerable
An Apple Watch in Your Future?
Jim Hamm wonders, "Is there an Apple Watch in your future? Here and here are two articles from the watch newsletter 'A Blog to Watch.' The author of this newsletter writes articles about watches, and in the first article above he discusses the launch of Apple's Watch, and in the second he does a review after some hands-on time with the Watch.
Beat Storage Devices: USB Flash to RAID
David Passell relates this helpful info: "While the cloud has appeared just in time to offer free and easy access to gigabytes of storage space, some people like to keep their data close to hand. Here are some of the best storage devices money can buy that will help you keep your data safe." http://www.zdnet.com/best-storage-devices-from-usb-flash-drives-to-raid-units-7000023992/