With the headline of "Top Paid iOS Apps Gone Free on Memorial Day 2014; Grab Them All" we can see what grabbed Jim Hamm's attention. The article goes on to say " . . . several developers have offered their apps completely free of charge . . . seven very highly-regarded titles making our list here today . . . " See here.
Speed Increase for SSD
"Here's an article on a possible speed increase for SSD's. (Solid State Drive) Will be interesting to see how this develops," notes Jim Hamm.
What is a Computer Port?
"You've probably heard the term 'port' mentioned when discussing computers. What, exactly, is a computer port? Here is an excellent explanation from the 'Ask Leo!' newsletter," Jim Hamm informs us. See it here.
Canon Announces Printer Incompatibility
Announcement of printer/Win8 incompatibility came from Canon to John Carter. He got their eNewsletter, and you can find the whole list here.
Warning From CableONE
Another phishing scam has surfaced. David Passell sends a copy of an email from CableONE, instructing customers to "please disregard any mail you receive that contains the following message, as it is a phishing scam: 'Your account is due and needs to be upgraded immediately. Please review billing details and upgrade or we will disconnect you from services.'" It goes on to detail a false link that is NOT a CableONE webpage. Here is more info from Cable ONE Cable ONE Support Site
Security, Privacy, Anonymity Tips
Everybody wants to know more! Security and Privacy are huge topics these days. Today's PMUG meeting featured Ward Stanke, and his helpful notes with lots of links have already been posted by Mary Ann Clark to the PMUG page here: http://pmug.us/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/2014-05-17-PMUG-Security-and-Privacy.pdf
More to Say, More to Write
Add to iTunes as a Spoken Track. Make New Sticky Note. Summarize.
Computer Getting Hot?
"You may have noticed that your laptop gets a little hot when you have been using it for a while," begins John Carter. He goes on to give this helpful advice. "The battery doesn’t like being hot (it can go bad quickly), so it’s a good idea to do what you can to keep your laptop cool.
iPad Charger
Don't Miss These Gmail Tips
Use Google Mail? Mary Ann Clark has just posted a very informative piece from John Carter here on the Prescott Mac User Group website. Thanks to both of you for helping PMUG members and friends!
Six Tips for Safari
Jim Hamm says, "Here is an article explaining six tips for Safari in OS X Mavericks that you might find helpful.
Another Search Engine for Privacy
Ginger Carlson passes along this information: "Here's another search engine that is supposed to protect one's privacy that a friend told me about. I have downloaded it and used it a few times.
"If you go to www.startpage.com it has a search block and beneath it "Add to Firefox" (which is her browser). It works for Safari, too. When I downloaded it I thought the download hadn't worked until I noticed the tiny little "SP" icon on the left side of the address bar."
Another Security Flaw — Again
Another security flaw surfaces. Read who is involved here http://www.cultofmac.com/277199/security-flaw-makes-easy-scammers-steal-data/
Info on Aviator
"If you're all enthused now, here is the website where you can download this browser for either OS X or Windows.
"I've not tried this browser yet, as we're traveling and it isn't convenient to do so. However, one of these days I'll give it a try -- more out of curiosity than any real concern about browsing the web."
Save on MacBook Air Now
"I love my MacBook Air," announces Prez Art Gorski. He then gives the good news, "And just this week Apple announced new models with slightly different processors that don’t make a big difference in performance. But they dropped the price $100. Everyone selling the older, practically just as good, models are scrambling to unload them at reduced prices.
"This article is a great resource for locating the best deal if you’re in the market right now:http://appleinsider.com/articles/14/04/29/deals-save-up-to-200-on-2013-macbook-airs-while-supplies-last-prices-start-at-818
Tips for iPad and iPhone
Who's Looking
"Verizon loves you — and in particular your browsing habits. Take a read here. Better stay away from those, ah, nefarious websites...(grin)…." And this is from Jim Hamm.
(And just now, by allowing Cookies so I can post, I see 50 websites have latched onto my computer even though I clicked to Block Cookies from third parties and advertisers.)
Finding Out More on Net Neutrality
On this newsblog we looked at this subject earlier on postings of March 3, March 28, and April 11. Now David Passell forwards two links for your further research. Here and here.
Trackpad Gestures for "Mice-less" Folks
Bobbie Pastor found this handy information for you "mice-less" folks……it's an article on trackpad gestures. Look at Here's the Thing.
Which Browser is Best?
"Here is the most comprehensive review of browsers on a Mac that I've ever read. You — and I, for sure — probably won't understand or appreciate all the technical jargon used in the testing," Jim Hamm introduces us to this topic.
Read about these four: Safari 7.0.3, Firefox 28.0. Chrome 34.0.1847.116, and Opera in a 10-page report.
"Which browser is considered best on a Mac? Well, if this is important to you, read on to see what the testing says. But, realistically, the browser that suits your needs is the browser that's best for you.
And Jim concludes, "It was interesting — to me, anyway — to read how the author went about the testing. Might be a bit too geeky for many folks, though."