Thanks to David Passell for the following link. A 5-page article on net neutrality explains what's been happening and asks if the Internet become so vital to national welfare that it should be run for the public good, or is it a business that can be run primarily for profit.
Another Take on Heartbleed and Apple
"Here is another article on Heartbleed," says David Passell. "It says Apple devices are not affected by Heartbleed? It emphasizes the severity to other manufacturers.See here.
Apple's Fix for "Heartbleed"
"I was curious about 'Heartbleed' hearing a lot about it," David Passell acknowledged. He found some important info. "It apparently can infect Mavericks users and IOS 6.users. Since I am still in the "stone age" with Snow Leopard I am apparently not subject to it." Read zdnet
Sure enough, the article emphasizes that the fix is in Apple's 10.9.2 update for Mavericks. Vulnerability is not present in versions of OS X prior to OS X 10.9 Mavericks or iOS prior to iOS6.
Protect Yourself from "Heartbleed" Bug
Following up on the post just below, Jim Hamm sends this article with further info on the new security bug called "Heartbleed" bug. See it here.
Vulnerable! Keep Informed
Keep informed! Jim Hamm passes this along, "This alert of a vulnerability in OpenSSl was published earlier. If you missed reading about it, here is another alert. Undoubtedly there will be more of these types of alerts as the hackers get more creative."
And if you use a smartphone you'll want to scroll down to Arstechnica's March 29 entry, warning about selling or buying a used phone to turn off Find My Phone, and also telling about avoiding trouble with "good IMEI/ESN" or "bad IMEI/ESN." Others comment about these problems in later postings.
See Macintouch. See Arstechnica.
Two Recent Photos
Learn More About iCloud
John Carter's found a nifty site to help us learn more about iCloud. Mary Ann Clark has posted it in the PMUG site: Go to Benefits and click on the word "Benefits."
Apps on Sale
"Get 'em while they're hot!" smiles John Carter. Here's his find: "CNET News is showing another sale for Mac apps that some of our members might want to jump on.
For Sale!
Here's that cheery exclamation: "For Sale." Mary Ann Clark announces that there's another item now listed on the pmug website: This information comes via John Carter, and that reminds us all to check this For Sale feature when you can. You not buying anything just now? Well, pass the word along to your friends.
(Today you'll find that new listing for an iMac, plus another iMac and an iPad.)
Unsure of the Next Step?
Are you distracted? Unsure of the next step with your Mac, or iPod, iPad, etc.? What do "experts" tell us about making decisions, learning and doing? John Carter forwards this link. that could encourage and challenge you.
Time for a Smile
"Guess who I thought of when I saw this….(grin)…." is how Jim Hamm put it.
Office for iPad Review
Our helpful Jim Hamm is at it again. "Microsoft's Office for the iPad was recently released. Here is a very good review of this app by Engadget, which will be helpful to read if you might be considering using it."
Warning: Gmail Scam
Office for iPad
"Microsoft is bringing Office to the iPad. Take a read here. (Allow cookies on your computer to access this site.) It is free in a read-only mode, but costs $100/year if one wants to write to the app. A smart move by Microsoft, but perhaps a bit late," comments Jim Hamm. He goes on to suggest, "If you plan to use Office for the iPad, here are 5 tips you might take a look at."
A Tablet at Every Table
Order drink refills and desserts, play interactive games, pay your bill at Chili's with a device called Ziosk, a tablet on every table. Ah, technology rolls on. Look here.
Jim Hamm found out, via their email club, that Prescott Valley's restaurant has this feature. He comments, "Take a look at what Chili's restaurant in Prescott Valley is now doing. Is this pretty slick or what? Do waiters and waitresses feel the cold wind of technology breathing down their back? Somewhat similar, I suspect, to the carriage maker in 1904 looking up from his work and wondering what that car sound was all about."
More on Net Neutrality
"Confused about what Net Neutrality means -- or do you even care? If you'd like to learn more, here is an interesting article from the Windows Secrets newsletter that discusses it," writes Jim Hamm. A little question pops up first on that home page, but Jim assures us that it's just a quickie and then you get right to the article.
Curious About Linux
Our PMUG webmaster Mary Ann Clark informs us that she's now posted John Carter's article about Linux. You'll find it here
Here's John's explanation: "What is all this talk about Linux? Jim Hamm and John Carter have several distributions of Linux installed, mostly for tinkering purposes, and the PCS club talks about it now and then. But why should we Mac people care about Linux?
"'Linux Revealed' gives an overview of Linux that you might enjoy reading, even if Linux is not in your future, or your rear view mirror.
"And if you do get interested or have any questions, don't forget to drop Jim and John a note to talk about it." Send an email to Jim or John by clicking
15 Things You Didn't Know Your iPhone Could Do
Now, there's a headline to catch your attention, thanks to Jim Hamm who says, "Here are 15 tips for the iPhone that you might find handy." Look here.
Competition for MacBook Air?
David Passell sends this link with the comment, "Article about Kindle Fire being almost as good as MacBook AIR except for lack of keyboard." See it here.
Box Cloud Storage
"If one wants to store their data, pictures, etc., in the cloud, be sure you are comfortable that the company is going to be around so you can access your data later on. This is the reason I'm more comfortable backing my 'stuff' up to my own external hard drive."