David Passell found this title in a BBC article and sent it on. But there was another link there that is also thought-provoking for the future. Here's what David sent: "The title of the link caught my eye, 'Mac and the Micro.'
What To Do With Your Mac
His students and clients often tell John Carter that they want to learn how to use their Mac better. The trick is, though, a big enough incentive is needed in order to motivate one to really learn how to use their computer.
John wrote an article titled “What To Do With Your Mac” that he hopes will give people some ideas on where to look for just the right incentive. Look for the article in the Tips ’N Tricks section of the PMUG website here. Check out those links that will help you spend quality time with your Mac.
iPhoto Library Manager
John Carter is at it again with an update for one of his favorite apps, iPhoto Library Manager from FatCatSoftware.com. When iPhoto was updated to version 9 (now at 9.1.5, and is better known as iPhoto ’11), version 3 of iPhoto Library Manager didn’t do some of the things John wanted it to do, specifically merge iPhoto libraries. So it was necessary to update to iPhoto Library Manager version 4.
John is very impressed with the changes and wrote a review of the software which you can find in the PMUG website here.
Organizing Photos in iOS7
Saturday's PMUG meeting (2-15-14) featured John Carter, and his notes "Organizing Photos in iOS7" have now been posted on the PMUG website here. John's talk was informative, with good audience participation, as well as input from Prez Art Gorski.
Apple Sales Tax
Jim Hamm found something interesting, "If you buy something from Apple, and it's significant dollars, you might take a close look at what tax rate Apple charged you. It might not be the correct rate. Here is a story with further details.
"This is something I hadn't considered or checked in the past when I bought a major item from Apple -- but I will henceforth."
Let's Talk About Flash Drives (Thumb Drives)
Useful Websites
Apple Wish List
From David Passell: "Here are some articles on Apple. I'm not sure what a 'thumb-drive-computer' would do. It looks like it plugs into another computer." See this.
Apple's Future
"Here is an article about Apple's future," writes David Passell. Look here.
More on CrossOver
David Passell submits some comments, "I just got this eMail and was reminded of John's recent remarks on Crossover. I too bought Crossover and have yet to find anything that i want to run will do so. It mostly seems to be directed toward games. The lack of a coherent manual for it doesn't help.
10 Time-Saving Tips
In less than 6 minutes you can view a video with "10 Top Time-Saving Tips," thanks to Jim Hamm's eagle eye in finding it for us. Jim says, "Here is David Pogue with some tech tips that you may find useful. You are probably already aware of some (most?) of these, but there may be a new one or two you can use -- there was for me. It's a short video, so take a peek." Look here.
CrossOver for Your Windows App. Again?
Apple Files New Patents for iPen
"What?" exclaims John Carter. "A stylus for the iOS device? Unheard of. Well, not entirely. I have purchased several stylii over the past year only to either lose them in the wash or ignore them altogether—because they just don’t work as well as my finger!
Jim's Friend Selling Laptop
Jim Hamm's friend has an Acer ChromeBook laptop for sale. Email Mike.
Apple is a Worldwide Leader
Jim goes on to comment, "I can also recall Microsoft's Ballmer's derision of the iPhone when it first came out. Now just look how smart phones have taken off. I bet a high % of the population in the U.S. owns one."
And here's Jim's conclusion, "Like it or not -- technology moves on and leaders of successful companies need to recognize that or fade away. The Blackberry phone comes to mind as I type this statement. Then I look at the stagnation in growth of HP and Dell and think hmmmm?"
Use the iPhone To Make Videos
Curious about this title? Jim Hamm forwards these short videos. "Here are a couple of short videos from Apple on using the iPhone to make both these videos. Interesting to see how they use the iPhone." http://www.apple.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vslQm7IYME4
Upgrade Adobe Flash Player
"All Mac users should have Adobe Flash Player installed. Earlier versions are vulnerable," warns David Passell. He recommends this article .
And he adds, "If you just want to skip the article here is the download link:" http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/
How to Forward Delete
"If doing a forward delete on a Mac is a bit cumbersome for you, he's a tip that might help," says Jim Hamm. Take a look at Using the Delete Key on a Mac & Adding a Forward Delete Button http://osxdaily.com/2013/04/26/delete-key-mac-forward-del/
Cheat Sheet for Gmail
Got Gmail? Jim Hamm wants you to know: Here's A Cheat Sheet of Every Single Gmail Keyboard Shortcut http://gizmodo.com/5995218/a-cheat-sheet-of-every-single-gmail-keyboard-shortcut
Great Deal on iPad
Jim Hamm doesn't want you to miss out on this. Check it out. Deal Alert: iPad 3rd Gen $299 at Target, in store only. http://9to5mac.com/2013/02/12/deal-alert-ipad-3rd-gen-299-at-target-in-store-only/