"Here is an interesting side by side comparison of various features between iOS 6 and iOS 7. If you haven't upgraded yet, this look may help you decide. If you've already upgraded, do you miss what you had, or like the new look better?
90 Tips for iOS 7
"Here's an article from MacLife with 90 tips for using iOS 7. It looks like it will be quite helpful in using and understanding the new iOS 7," notes Jim Hamm.
iPhone User Guide for iOS 7
"If you've upgraded to iOS 7 on your iPhone, here is a tutorial from Apple that might be helpful," and this tip is from Jim Hamm who is also helpful.
Let's Look at Safari
What's new in Safari :
- Categories
- Most Popular
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- Bookmarking
- Developer
- Entertainment
- News
- Photos
- Productivity
- RSS Tools
- Search Tools
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- Twitter Tools
- URL Shorteners
- Other
On the Safari menu bar go to File > Share. You can choose to email this page, message, Twitter, or Facebook. Go to Safari Help and note the categories there for additional ways to use Safari. In Help note some useful tips: have you used Reader? You can print an article without all the ads in the sidebars. Do you bookmark and then organize those bookmarks. Read about this under Help, too.
Password Problems
After speaking to the PMUG meeting this morning, Jim Hamm informs us, "Here's another article about the NSA after our passwords again. As I discussed in my presentation today, articles about passwords and password hacking are increasingly in the news.
Make that iOS 7 Easier to Read
"If you've upgraded to iOS 7 and find the font a bit difficult to read, here's an article on how to make the font easier to read," says Jim Hamm, in his email to us, short and to the point.
Privacy Settings in iOS 7
"Here is an article with some suggestions for privacy settings in iOS 7," Jim Hamm wants us to know.
14 Mac Tips
" Here's an article with some helpful tips (they refer to them as 'hacks') for your Mac," Jim Hamm introduces his latest email to us. "You may already be knowledgeable of these tips, but a new one (to me) I just tried was the terminal command 'purge' to free up memory. I'm not sure what it exactly did, but the command definitely freed up memory on my MacBook Air and my apps and music kept right on running.
Bypass This Vulnerability in iOS 7
This is just in from Jim Hamm, "Here is an article on how the lockscreen can be bypassed in iOS 7. Apple is aware of this vulnerability and said a fix will be coming in a future update. The article describes what one can do in the meantime."
The 16 Best Things About iOS 7
"If you're still wondering/waiting on whether to upgrade to iOS 7, here's some comments that might help you to decide. The more I use it, the better I like iOS 7," writes Jim Hamm. The 16 Best Things About iOS 7: http://mashable.com/2013/09/19/16-best-things-ios-7/
iOS 7 and 10.8.5 Update
John Carter reports on his experience with updates. "I updated my iPad 4, my iPhone 5, and Jackie's iPhone 4S.
To enlarge the illustration click on it, then click to go back to the post.
Another iOS 7 Upgrade Report
Prez Art Gorski reports on his experiences with the iOS 7 upgrade. "Well, I upgraded my decrepit iPhone 4 to iOS 7. Even though a lot of features aren't available on a phone this old, I like the improvements that I do get. Mary Ann upgraded her iPad 2 with no problems as well.
iOS 7 Comments
Here's Jim Hamm's comments on upgrading to iOS 7. "Realizing that it's better to wait for some time before updating to a new iOS, I, of course, ignored my own advice and went ahead just now and updated my iPhone 5, iPad 2, and iPad Mini to iOS 7.
iTunes Radio Complaints
"Although I haven't tried it yet, here is an interesting article on the new iTunes Radio in iOS 7," Jim Hamm states. "As the article explains, it's more for Apple than us. Why? iTunes is a money maker for Apple, and they see no reason to significantly change a winner." http://gizmodo.com/itunes-radio-isnt-for-you-its-for-apple-1342593360
Another iPad Use
"This past weekend I was at a music festival in Flagstaff and came upon another use for the iPad." Jim Hamm catches our attention.
"The sound technicians, from their control booth way out in front of the stage, was using an iPad, at the control booth, and the new Apple Extreme Router, to wirelessly control the sound of microphones and monitors on the stage. The router was transmitting the commands, via Wifi, from the iPad at the control booth to another iPad on the stage, which, in turn, was connected to the various microphone and monitors."
Apps for Free TV Shows
Maybe you saw this from Ben Patterson's Here's the Thing blog: There are 10 apps for FREE streaming network TV shows available for your iPhone and iPad. Read about it here.
Consider Waiting Before Updating
A precautionary word of advice comes from Jim Hamm, "Here's an article with suggestions to wait before updating to iOS 7 on certain devices. Certainly something to think about and consider. No harm in waiting and see what the blogs have to say about the update." http://osxdaily.com/2013/09/16/wait-before-updating-these-to-ios-7/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+osxdaily+%28OS+X+Daily%29
Getting Your Money's Worth Out of Your iPad?
John Carter will be presenting the answer to this question: Are you getting your money's worth out of your iPad? He announces, "If not, then you haven't discovered the many tips and tricks that the iPad has to offer. Not only that, a new version of iOS comes out on 9/18/2013 with some new features that you're sure to want to know about. Maybe you don't have an iPad, but you're thinking about it. Come to the Joint PCS/PMUG SIG and find out what you're missing!"
Camera Features in iPhone 5a
He starts off with, "I'm not much of a camera buff, but if you are here is an article describing the new and enhanced camera features in the new iPhone 5S," and then Jim Hamm gives a bit of detail, ending with his grin!
"Looks mighty impressive to me. Bet the manufacturers of 'regular' cameras are a bit bit disconcerted to read about all these improvements in the iPhone 5S which, nominally, is supposed to be a phone."
How to Know If the iPhone 5s Camera Upgrade is Right For You
Dropbox Peeks at Your Files
"Although I like and use Dropbox frequently, here's an article that reminds us nothing is secure in the 'cloud', unless it's encrypted, and even then NSA might take a peek at your documents," notes Jim Hamm. Here's the article for you to check: http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9242384/Dropbox_takes_a_peek_at_files?source=CTWNLE_nlt_dailyam_2013-09-13