"Although I like and use Dropbox frequently, here's an article that reminds us nothing is secure in the 'cloud', unless it's encrypted, and even then NSA might take a peek at your documents," notes Jim Hamm. Here's the article for you to check: http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9242384/Dropbox_takes_a_peek_at_files?source=CTWNLE_nlt_dailyam_2013-09-13
Changes in Dropbox
Jim Hamm wants us to know the latest security changes with Dropbox. Read about it here. http://gizmodo.com/5937961/dropbox-just-enabled-2+step-verification-you-should-go-turn-it-on
6 Steps to Google Privacy
Today's the day, first of March, when Google's privacy policy changes. Here's one look at steps someone can take to help get privacy on line. Watch for more info from the national media, and let us know how you view and cope with this situation.
Worried About Dropbox?
Here's the latest on Dropbox from Jim Hamm. "If you use Dropbox, as I do, you might have been concerned a few days ago when they updated their Terms of Service -- I certainly was. It appeared that by using Dropbox they owned everything we put in there. Not good. They are now backpedaling quite a bit, and this article gives an explanation of the subsequent revisions to Dropbox's T of S. Take a read and see if you feel more comfortable using Dropbox." (Earlier postings about Dropbox are here, dated 6-2-11 and 7-3-11.)
After questioning him about encryption Jim expounds further this morning (7-9), "Yes, there’s a Mac version for TrueCrypt available. If I were going to store sensitive data in Dropbox I might try TrueCrypt. Reading through the instructions it’s a bit of work to use TrueCrypt, though. Not something I want or plan to do with the data I use Dropbox for. I don’t like the idea of using any ‘Cloud’ service to store sensitive data, say, like a password to Amazon or a bank account. I keep that stored on my own Mac."