Today's Forbes has a provocative headline, "Apple Clothing in a Store Near You Soon?" and that was something to read, but the fun part was finding at the bottom of that page "The 15 Most Unforgettable Apple Ads" from 1977. Take a look. Remember when?
iPhone, iPad and Facetime Calls
Jim Hamm asks for information and insight. He says, "A friend has posed the question whether using Facetime on an iPhone use cellular minutes or data from one's data plan if connected to wifi? From reading the comments on the Verizon Wireless Forum, some say yes and some say no. Apparently calls to Verizon get different answers.
Solving Screen Saver Problems
John Carter sends some screen saving ideas. "The following question came to me recently: 'My screensaver is set for one hour - however every time I watch [for example] Star Trek, the screen goes black in about 10 minutes and I have to reenter my password. Pretty tight security :-O How can I change this???'
"There are TWO main settings in System Preferences to be concerned about. One is Screen Saver and the other is Energy Saver.
Windows Registry vs OS X Property Files
"Although this article may be a little 'nerdy' for some," begins Jim Hamm, "I found it quite interesting in explaining the difference between the Registry in Windows and .plist files in OS X.
Backing Up With Time Machine
John Carter sends this info, "I recently experienced that Time Machine on my computer would not delete an older backup to make room for a newer backup, and consequently the backups continued to fail with a message that there wasn't enough room for the new backup. I talked at length with Apple Support about this and we came up with no solution. I simply purchased a much larger backup drive and started over again. It may take months now before the new drive gets full.
More Helpful Info
Mary Ann Clark has posted another helpful article over at the PMUG website, This latest one is by John Clark. Keep up with the latest. Go to Benefits and find Tips 'n Tricks.
New Desktop Wallpaper, FREE
"Here are some interesting images that might make a nice desktop wallpaper for you," is how Jim Hamm begins his latest email. "I think I might go for the Andromeda image. On the other hand, hmmm?"
They're gorgeous, they're free. But how do you put them on your computer?
Jim to the rescue. "Just right-click the image and 'save image as' or copy image and paste wherever you want. You save each image separately and then select the one you want for your desktop wallpaper. You also can have the wallpaper change ever so often, if you want, in System Preferences."
Is Your Router Vulnerable?
With his thoughtful suggestion Jim Hamm forwards an interesting site. He starts off, "Here is a description and test to see whether your router may be vulnerable to a UPnP discovery request. I ran the test, and our router is not vulnerable.
And this is the latest addition from Jim, "Here is more information on the Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) vulnerability issue. Although this article came out a while back, I guess reading it now is better late than never."
Tagging Photos and Files
Prez Art Gorski read what John said about tagging photos and files in his email just now. Here's Art's comment, "This reminded me of Gmail, where, unlike normal IMAP email, you use tags instead of folders. Methinks this, like documents in iCloud, is another nail in the coffin of a file system with folders. Apple has apparently decided that most folks can't deal with a directory structure. Want more proof? Spotlight searching for documents and All My Files in the Finder."
Changes Coming in Mavericks
Starting with a short note about the coming Mavericks John Carter simply pointed out, "Not an overhaul, says one reviewer, but just a tune-up. Read the full article here."
Web Developers to Meet
Here's an announcement from John Carter: "The Prescott Web Developers has scheduled a meeting on July 13 from 10 AM to noon at the Prescott Library. This is a general membership meeting for web developers. No specific topic has been established. All are welcome.
Gmail's New Inbox
"If you use Gmail as your email client -- as I do --" Jim Hamm begins, " here is an article explaining the details of Gmail's new inbox, should you decide to try it. I've been aware of this new feature for some time, but haven't tried it yet -- but I think I'll give it a try now to see what I think about it. It would be nice , for example, to get the offers for coupons from, say, Red Lobster, all to appear in one inbox, Promotions, instead of being intermingled with my other emails. Plus, if you don't like this new feature you can always change back to the format you're accustomed to.
Collecting for Doce Fire Relief
The Internet provider Commspeed has emailed customers to inform about their appreciation for the firefighters on the Doce Fire. They're taking up a collection of useful stuff to donate to the firefighters, such as T-shirts, underwear, deodorant, toothbrushes, combs, soles for boots, snacks and nuts, and homemade sweets. Donations are being taken at the Prescott High School. For info about the fire call 928-445-1089 or 928-777-5682.
Mayo Clinic Using iPhone, iPad
A recent posting at brings up an interesting article about Mayo Clinic. Using custom apps for physicians and patients on iPhone, iPad and iPad mini Mayo is "transforming the capabilities of individualized patient care." It describes the app Synthesis Mobile that gives physicians instant access, and iOS provides security for patients using their password for personal information.
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More Info for You
Webmaster Mary Ann Clark has posted an informative piece on cookies by John Clark on the site. Go to Benefits > Tips 'N Tricks to find this new article and nine other helpful pieces.
To keep up to date, click on RSS on the PMUG home page menu. It will set you up with PMUG listing on NetNewsWire. When that opens click to Refresh All, so the latest comes up. On this blog you scroll down to Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) and click.
PMUG Officers for 2013-2014
Well, what do you know? Last week's PMUG meeting was the annual election of officers, and the "old" officers were willing to work another year! So, the "old" is now "new." Art Gorski, president! David Rothgery, vice president! Bobbie Pastor, secretary! David Passell, treasurer! Congratulations and thanks to all those who attend PMUG and help make it a friendly, helpful, interesting group!
iPhone Emergency Alerts
Jim Hamm found this helpful article, "Are You 'In The Know,'" detailing the Wireless Emergency Alert system. "Following is an article from the Small Dogs Newsletter with information that could come in handy sometime. I've got the alerts turned on, although I only found two to turn on -- not three as mentioned in the article." See it here.
iPad at Work
The three seminars that were previously mentioned by this post are no longer available. David Sparks at talks about his book iPad At Work. The book is available at There are 24 chapters that cover everything possible for using an iPad in a working environment. This book is a derivative of his earlier book Mac At Work.
Apple often provides online seminars for similar products. The iPad at Work seminar by Apple can be found here.
Short & Simple, Of Course, Mac Helps You!
Using your Mac is easy to do. Here are some shortcuts. How many are you already using? Which ones will you try later today?
How Hot is Too Hot? Why? How?
The laptop computer felt hot to touch. How hot is too hot? That basic information was not evident with a Google search. Then, a bright idea. Yesterday the MacMedia email had arrived with the clever heading, "Geek Goods for your Mac Daddy!" We had purchased the MacBook Pro at the MacMedia store down in Peoria in September. Who better to call? A helpful guy, Rob, didn't seem in too big of a hurry to chat. I explained, relating some of the temperatures I'd noted from iStatPro widget. He explained the range of temperatures, reassured me that mine were OK, "That's why we don't call it a 'laptop' anymore." The helpful widget is here.