Next meeting: April 12, 2025, 10 am.
LOCATION CHANGE: Yavapai College, Building 31, Room 101. Click for more information.

Using Your iPhone Camera

        John Carter found an article that will interest both photographers and our iPhone users.  He begins, "I subscribe to Now and then an interesting post comes through. This one is from a guest post by Sarah and she gives her 10 tips for using the iPhone camera. It seems worth passing on. The highlights are:
 1. Hold the phone like you would a camera
 2. Don’t zoom in with the zoom on the camera, zoom in with your feet
 3. Shoot the same thing a few times
 4. Light
 5. Check out the resolution and picture quality settings – and set them on high
 6. Keep the camera still
 7. Move around and get in different positions
 8. Clean the lens… duh!
 9. Process!
10. Look for clutter-free scenes
        John concludes, "Read the full article hereAnd while you’re experimenting with photos on your iPhone, don’t forget about the video!"
