Printed Magazines Going Digital

        We can picture Jim Hamm with this conversation,  "Today I received the August issue of PC World. With magazine in one hand and my libation of the day in the other, I settled comfortably in my easy chair to read the latest tips and tricks on PCs that  I should be using. Then, I noticed on the cover, 'This is Your Last Issue.' What?  My subscription isn't nearly over yet.

        "A Sign of the Times. I read further: printed magazines of PC World are being dropped and going digital. For my 'enhanced enjoyment.' blah, blah. The September issue will be digital only.
         "Well, I recognize that digital is certainly more user-interactive — I can click links, watch videos, etc. — but there's something viscerally calming about sitting in my easy chair, and slowly turning the pages of a magazine.  That's why I still read book books instead of digital books — I like the feel of paper in my hand.
        "That said, the first shoe has dropped. I subscribe to other computer magazines. I'm now waiting for the other shoe to drop."  And here we picture Jim's knowledgeable grin.