David Passell writes, "I recently bought a Magic Jack from CVS. It cost $39.00 (-$5.00 discount I happened to have). In case you don't know, the Magic Jack is a USB drive containing software/hardware which allows an ordinary touch tone telephone, answering device, etc. to be connected to one end. It even provides a dial tone. The USB end plugs into your Mac or PC. After answering some questions, you receive a telephone number which allows you to make and receive calls free anywhere in the US and some International. In addition you get a free 411 site which allows you to find business, persons, etc. telephone numbers and other information. It also enables multi-call (voice) conferencing. The cost includes the one-year $19.00 service charge. This can be renewed every year."
David goes on to say that they gave him a Payson exchange number, as no Prescott numbers were available yet. "I have mine connected to a Brother 1960C Printer/Fax/Answering machine. If you should call the number you will get my 'Brother Message Service' message. Since the number is tied to the device, I can unplug it and connect it to any Intel computer with a high speed connection."
Since David's first email he's written to add more, "I have had some other responses. Roger Lakner says he has one with a Prescott local number; don't know how he got it. He points out that it is useful when traveling. He also says that it will work on Windows PCs (their packaging says XP, Vista, or 7). For Macs it is limited to Intel machines. John Carlton also had one some time ago but didn't find it satisfactory. Bobbie asked me if my number is a toll call from Prescott. I think so."
Perhaps David will demonstrate the Magic Jack at an up-coming meeting. . .