
I was aware that one could download eBooks from the library, but wasn't aware of an app titled "Hoopla". Perhaps you were. Here is a notice I just received from the Scottsdale Library about the streaming of books, movies, music and comics from their library using the program "Hoopla". I read some of the reviews on using the app for an iPad or iPhone, and the reviews were mixed. Here is the Hoopla website. Sent to you FYI, and in case you might want to try it at your library. I plan to do a bit more research on Hoopla myself. The idea, as one thought, of streaming a movie from the library right to my iPad has a certain appeal to it.  Just a thought for consideration.

Jim Hamm

John Carter added:

Hoopla does not seem to have the Prescott public library in its domain. All the libraries it lists are for the Phoenix area. Searching for Prescott returns nothing. So unless one signs up for one of the Phoenix area libraries, I don’t think it is possible to use Hoople up here.