Time to check out How It Works to the right-hand side of home page.
Right away you notice that most-appreciated word FREE. Click “Try for Free.”
You’ll need to enable Cookies to go to the prices page. Now you can go to Buy Now and see the full list with prices. A “Family Version is for 5 Macs.” Pay by Visa, Master Card, American Express, PayPal, your check, or Amazon Payments which is labeled New.
Here’s some info:
https://www.usps.com Prices as of January 26.
- Letters (1 oz.) — 3-cent increase to 49 cents
- Letters additional ounces — 1-cent increase to 21 cents for each ounce
- Letters to all international destinations (1 oz.) — $1.15
- Postcards — 1-cent increase to 34 cents
- http://www.stamps.com/usps/postage-rate-increase/ priority mail small flat rate box is still 5.80. Medium flat rate box is still 12.35. Large flat rate box increases to 17.45
Fascinating! What’s Happening Now:
How the MacPro is built and assembled. Video 2 minutes http://www.apple.com/mac-pro/video/#assembly
iPad Air http://www.apple.com/ipad-air/videos/#video-air 3 min. Video
Events from the CES (Consumer Electronics Show) 2014 in Las Vegas. http://ces.cnet.com
What’s inside the “hottest new gadgets” http://www.ifixit.com/Teardown
Multimedia at Macworld.com http://www.macworld.com/column/mwvodcast/ There are 30 entries for 2013 from illustrated articles, videos, comments.
Here’s about Mac Apps: http://www.macworld.com/category/mac-apps/
January is the month to get organized. I told about Jacquielawson and their 271 animated greeting cards in my last January’s handout, but let’s take another look today. Click to open it here http://www.jacquielawson.com/ I open Firefox, open Preferences. I need to unclick Block Pop-up windows in Firefox Content, and then click Accept Third-party Cookies from sites visited. As soon as I’m finished with jacquielawson site I go back and undo both.
Note: price for one year is $12.00 and for two years it’s $18.00. Membership allows me to send any cards to anyone, as many times as I like for the duration of membership.
I went through the collection of cards and have ordered 79 cards for my extended family for the coming year. I can open the Cards Pending and see Date to Be Sent, Date Ordered, Recipient, Card Name, and Options. Here in Options I can view the card, cancel or edit it. Under Address Book I can save names and email addresses, so it’s quick to order again for each person. You can have a maximum of 500 names on this Address List!
So have yourself a Happy Apple New Year. May your computer and printer be good to you. May your iThis and iThat all bring you a big smile and be totally dependable!
See you at the next PMUG meeting. Check out our newsblog and keep up with the www.pmug.us site. This was the handout at today's PMUG meeting, from Elaine Hardt