Next meeting: April 12, 2025, 10 am.
LOCATION CHANGE: Yavapai College, Building 31, Room 101. Click for more information.


Explore How Google Translates

        Curiosity is piqued by the latest forward from Jim Hamm.  It's supposed to be how to separate a yolk from the rest of the egg, but it's in Chinese, or Japanese, or something that looks like that.  Sure enough, the site  comes up and you can see how she does it.
        But, wait!  Google translate will help.  Go to Google > More > Translate.  Paste into the first box what you copied from that URL.  Up comes the English translation.  You can click on the little icon for sound in the bottom of that first box and hear the woman read it in her language.  (You can type in text or a website address or translate a document by pasting it into the first box.)  Experiment.  And see how cleverly she separates the yolk from the rest of the egg!

Click to enlarge.


Pick Your Language

        Your PMUG newsblog has now updated to offer Google Translate.  Click on the little icon on the upper left side and be amazed at all the different languages offered.  Know someone in a foreign country who'd like to see our postings here?  Let them know!
        Are you bilingual?  Keep up your skills, too.
