Alert and aware! Keep reading . . .
"I occasionally will watch a video on YouTube, as you probably do too," says Jim Hamm. "One thing to be aware of when watching YouTube (or visiting any website, for that matter) is the possibility of getting malware on your computer. Here is an article that gives some tips on avoiding malware on YouTube and websites in general.
Learn About Social Media
Bobbie Pastor reminds us about a presentation on Social Media to be held this Saturday, March 23. Vice Prez Dave Rothgery announced it at our PMUG meeting last Saturday. "Introduction to Using Social Media for Business" It is hosted by SCORE at the Prescott Adult Center. You can pay at the door.
You'll be briefed on info on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Pinterest. Note, Howard LaPittus is the man to call if you have questions. That email is
A Visit to the International Space Station
"Ever wonder what it would be like to live 200 miles above the earth in the International Space Station? Here is a 25-minute video that tells and shows you what it's like. Very interesting, very complex, and wouldn't be for you (or me) if you were even slightly claustrophobic. Take a look." This invitation is from Jim Hamm, and it's finally getting viewed and posted here.
Online Movies Topic To Be Presented
With his topic about online movies John Carter will speak at a joint meeting of PMUG and the PC computer club. Here's what John says, "Watching movies online can be either an exhilarating or a disappointing experience. Learn how to make it the most enjoyable experience possible. Discover the tips and tricks for downloading, streaming, viewing subtitles, and building a movie library. Find out where to get the highest quality movie. Find out what's okay and what's wrong with Torrents and file sharing. Learn how to protect yourself from lawsuits over copy protected videos."
The meeting will be Saturday, March 24 from 1 to 3 pm in the Prescott Public Library. John's presentation is the first hour. The second hour speaker will be Andy Reti from the PC group, discussing YouTube.
John describes that topic: "Over the last seven years of its existence YouTube has become part of our culture. From funny videos to excerpts from operas, YouTube is providing access to a wide variety of videos. YouTube has played a significant part in spreading the word on uprisings around the world, from the Arab spring to the current bloody violence in Syria. During this hour Andy will present the many uses of the YouTube platform. He will show you how to upload your videos to YouTube, and how to search for videos on specific topics. You'll also see some of the most astonishing and unforgettable videos on YouTube."