Next meeting: April 12, 2025, 10 am.
LOCATION CHANGE: Yavapai College, Building 31, Room 101. Click for more information.


What Difference Does IPv6 Make?

        This info from Jim Hamm arrived on June 5!  Aaaaaaak. Today is June 9.  It was overlooked in a barrage of other emails.  Now, let's get informed.
        Jim wrote, "Tomorrow IPv6 will be launching worldwide.  Here are two articles providing further information on what this means to you and me.  Odds are, we won't notice a difference in connecting with the internet."  Look here and look here.
        IPv6 means Internet Protocol version 6 which is to be a "big improvement over the prevailing IPv4 version."  Need to know more?  Enter IPv6 in the Search CNET box of the article above.  Up comes a listing of 190 news articles and photos.
        So what happened on June 6?  This IT Business Edge blog states that "security is going to change quite a bit.  In some ways it will be more secure, in others more challenging." Read for details of the change and how it affects the world.  Do a Google search for IPv6 and choose from the news articles listed there to keep informed.  (Thanks again, Jim, for your eagle-eye.)


New IPv6 Info is Here

Boring?  Sort of.  But we do have a need to know.  Jim Hamm keeps us on our toes with info about IPv6.  Maybe a brush-up look at Wikipedia can get our brains going with the history, features, timeline, and references of the Internet Protocol.  A chart lists Application Layer, Transport Layer, Internet Layer, and Link Layer.  Scrolling down to the end notes it was last modified April 15, 2011.  So far, so good.Now, we're ready to plunge into Jim's info. "This isn't something we need to sit up nights and worry about, but the availability of IPv4 addresses is coming to an end. Asia has recently run out. "Out of curiosity, I checked my internet connection with Cox Communications here in Scottsdale and it is only IPv4 at this time. I'll soon be back up in Prescott and will take this test with Cableone. I'd guess it is only IPv4 also, at this time. "What I wonder is, when ISPs start converting to IPv6 addresses, do the old IPv4 addresses have to be converted, or can a dual address system be operating?"
