Electrical Surge Protector

A computer club I belong to recently had a meeting via Zoom on household electricity, and how to check/protect your house against electrical problems/issues. I found the meeting very interesting and helpful, as electricity ranks very high as one item I don't understand very well. 

As a result of the meeting, we bought and had installed a whole-house surge protector, for around $640. It protects all our appliances in case we should ever get an electrical surge. Will we ever need it? Probably not, as we have very few storms in our area. But Zee and I feel better just having it, just as we have fire insurance on our house. Will we ever need it? Probably not. But having good protection is a good idea, I think.

If you should have an interest in watching the program, link below. It is long -- 2 hours -- but you can watch as much or little of the program as you want, if at all.

Jim Hamm

Surge Protectors and AC Wiring Problems, John Krout
