Using Apple CarPlay impairs driver reaction more than alcohol, study shows

I know one of the exciting things about getting a new car is the new features. One of those features is of importance to us iPhone users. While Apple CarPlay has been getting better, and more vehicles support it, this article points out the possible down side of using CarPlay when you are the driver. 

As an Air Force Pilot, I learned to do a “cross check” like the spokes of a wheel. Most of your time is spent looking straight ahead with the spokes being the different instruments. The same technique works very well while driving. Your side and rear view mirrors as well as your instrument panel are the spokes of a wheel. You should continuously be moving your eyes from your view straight ahead to the end of one of your spokes. You should NEVER spend more than a second on any spoke.  We should now consider the CarPlay screen in your car as one of your spokes. If you cannot do what you want in a second, pull over and be safe!!

Frank Croft