
According to the following article, it seems we may have to live with ransomware attacks forever. And the following statement from the article is a bit disconcerting, to say the least: "Many ransomware operators are based in Russia, where the Kremlin tends to turn a blind eye to cyber criminals targeting Western countries." And what if, say, countries like Russia, China, Iran, et al, decide to 'attack' a country using ransomware? Not good! 

One solution to prevent a ransomware attack on you becoming a complete disaster is to do a full backup of your data and photos, whether to the 'cloud' or an external hard drive. 

Here's the article..

Jim Hamm

Ransomware — a novelty just a few years ago — is now endemic, like COVID.

We'll have to learn to live with the malicious file-encrypting code, even as we struggle to limit it.
Why it matters: Ransomware attacks, which take an organization's data hostage and shut down its systems until the hackers receive payment, have exacted an escalating price on law enforcement, policymaking and financial resources around the world.

It remains the top threat on the minds of cyber defenders at this week's RSA Conference in San Francisco, the cybersecurity industry's highest-profile annual gathering.
What's happening: Rob Joyce, the NSA's director of cybersecurity, told reporters during a briefing at RSA that Russian hackers are now weaponizing ransomware in attempted attacks against Ukrainian logistics supply chain companies, as well as organizations in Western-allied countries.

Cybersecurity firm Sophos said in a report released Tuesday that 68% of cyberattacks last year involved ransomware.
A panel on the last day of RSA acted out what the federal response to a hypothetical, Iran-backed ransomware attack on U.S. banks in 2025 might look like.
How it works: A ransomware attack typically starts with malicious hackers installing file-encrypting malware onto an organization's networks and then displaying a ransom note on every screen.

To unlock the networks and prevent a leak of any stolen data, ransomware gangs demand payment, often in the form of cryptocurrency.
In recent years, ransomware has infected schools, hospitals, small businesses and more.
Between the lines: Conversations about ransomware at RSA have shifted from viewing it as an easily squashed nuisance to seeing it as a persistent threat.

Following the ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline in May 2021, U.S. officials were quick to make ransomware a national priority. President Biden even started engaging with Vladimir Putin to try to get him to crack down.
Ransomware now is treated like any other crime that's not expected to be easily solved or to vanish after a couple of key arrests, experts told Axios.
Zoom out: Many ransomware operators are based in Russia, where the Kremlin tends to turn a blind eye to cyber criminals targeting Western countries.

Ransomware gangs are well-organized, making them adept at rebranding and reshuffling in the face of law enforcement heat, John Dwyer, head of research at IBM's X-Force, told Axios.
Organizations still struggle with basic cyber hygiene to protect themselves.
🥊 Reality check: Government sanctions, internet server takedowns and criminal arrests have slowly but steadily reduced businesses' willingness to pay ransomware gangs, Tom Hofmann, chief intelligence officer at Flashpoint, told Axios.

The number of ransomware attacks dropped 15% between 2021 and 2022, according to recent data from Google-owned threat intelligence firm Mandiant. But that came after they skyrocketed the year before.

Using an iPad With a Keyboard

If you want to use an external keyboard with an iPad, there are two Accessibility settings to be aware of.

I suggest that you disable “Accessibility -> Keyboards -> Full Keyboard Access” and enable “Accessibility -> Keyboards -> Key Repeat”.

If “Full Keyboard Access” is enabled, some pretty strange stuff will happen when you are trying to use the keyboard arrow keys to move the text cursor around.

If “Key Repeat” is disabled, you have to manually repress a key to repeat it, and this is undesirable when using the arrow keys to move the text cursor around.

John Carter Sr

Is Your iPad Not Charging?

A 2018 11” iPad Pro was left on a charger overnight. The next morning the charge had not increased from the 4% it started at. The iPad would not even connect to a Mac. Tried a different charger to no avail. By then, the charge had reduced to 3%. Argosy West in Prescott said that the iPad was a sealed unit and only Apple could do any repairs, which might come to $350.

Thinking that the best thing to do was destroy it, the iPad was erased and was ready to toss in the trash. On a hunch, it was connected to power again. After less than an hour it was charged to 15%. An hour later, it had charged to over 90%. The iPad was successfully restored from an iPhone backup via iCloud (which took a few hours).

By erasing the iPad, it is guessed that the system settings were cleared enabling the iPad to again take a charge.

John R. Carter, Sr.

Delete Cookies

When on a website one is frequently asked if it's OK to accept their 'cookies'. Opinions may vary on an answer, but if you do accept them, should they periodically be cleared from your device? Here's a couple of articles with opinions on this.

Jim Hamm

Should you delete cookies? 6 reasons you probably should clear cookies (norton.com)

How the cookie crumbles

Cache and tracking cookies? Get ‘em out of here. They’re (admittedly helpful) little files that store info in your browser so you don’t have to log in every single time, and the stuff you add to your cart on shopping sites stays there for next time.

But they also weigh down your browser and should be cleared periodically as part of your tech privacy maintenance. Since many of you use Chrome, I’ve included steps for that browser below. 

🍪 Use Safari, Edge or Firefox? Get the steps here — scroll to No. 5.

  • On your computer, open Chrome. At the top right, click the three stacked dots

  • Click More Tools > Clear Browsing Data …

  • At the top, choose a time range. To delete everything, select All Time.

  • Best sure to check the boxes next to “Cookies and other site data” and “Cached images and files.”

  • Click Clear data. Voila!

By the way, your phone is full of cookies, too — here’s how to clear those out.

Apple Security Update

Here is a note to do an update on your Apple devices.

JIIM hamm

Apple has released emergency security updates in order to patch a new zero-day vulnerability that’s being used to hack vulnerable iPhones, iPads and Macs.

As reported by BleepingComputer(opens in new tab), this zero-day vulnerability (tracked as CVE-2023-23529(opens in new tab)) was discovered by an anonymous researcher and has now been patched with the release of iOS 16.3.1, iPadOS 16.3.1 and macOS 13.2.1.

The flaw itself is a WebKit confusion issue and if exploited by an attacker, it could be used to execute arbitrary code on vulnerable iPhones, iPads and Mac after a user navigates to a malicious website.

Online Search Engines

The following article describes how Google and Microsoft are looking to change how their search engines work. Instead of searching for and then giving you access to what has been posted elsewhere, they plan to use AI to formulate an answer for you. Is this a good thing, you might ask? I don’t know, but my initial thought is I like the way Google or Bing searches are handled right now.

Jim Hamm

Bard is going to destroy online search


At a conference in 2011, its chairman at the time, Eric Schmidt, declared that search's endgame was to use AI to "literally compute the right answer" to queries rather than identify relevant pages.

Avoid Google Downloads

According to the 'arstechnica' article in the link below, it's best to avoid any downloads from Google because of malware. Following is a sort blurb from the article.

Jim Hamm

"Until Google regains its footing, people should be extremely cautious when searching Google, and likely other search sites, particularly for software downloads."


Is Safari Reasonably Secure?

I read the following inquiry on a Mac Forum I belong to, and the member asked the following question:

"Has anyone had any known security issues with Safari? I'm beginning to see more articles about Brave and Firefox and their better data protection. I like the features on Safari and I'd rather not give it up.

I've seen a handful of sites that don't like Safari because they simply haven't been designed to fully work with Safari. For those sites, I use Firefox. Please share your opinions and experience."

And another member answered as follows, and I thought it was interesting and that you might enjoy reading it as well.

Jim Hamm

"By far, the biggest security risk with any browser is social engineering, in which some web page persuades you to agree to something you should not. This is largely a function of what you know and are looking out for, and the choice of browser is likely a small detail in all this.

There are some sites that work with some browsers better than others, so I too use both Firefox and Safari for different sites, and I keep copies of Chrome and other browsers for occasional purposes.

But overall, I don’t think true security issues are much of a reason to prefer one browser over another, and that would change every time any browser gets a version update, so it may not make sense to focus on that as a question. Maybe a better habit is just to do upgrades more often. One issue is that because Safari is part of the Mac OS, it only usually gets updates when there is an OS update. 

So, first, do all OS updates within a few days of when they come out. For Firefox and other browsers, reboot the browser periodically every few days even if you don’t need to reboot your Mac. Be prepared to switch and try different browsers on various web sites whenever things seem funky. Don’t expect hard and fast reliable rules to solve these sorts of things. Good luck."