Hackers Demand $150K Ransom, Threaten to Wipe Millions of Apple Devices

If you store anything in Apple's iCloud, you should read the following article. Just to be on the safe side, after reading the article, I set up a two-factor authentication for my iCloud account.

Will be 'interesting' (if that's the right word) to see how this threat turns out.


Jim Hamm

App Security Protection

If you use Facebook, Twitter or Google apps, here is an article you may want to read about improving your security. There is a section discussing how to do a security checkup, which I found interesting. Out of curiosity, I clicked the Google checkup and, voila!, I was surprised at the info on me that came up.

Remember, Google knows everything and never forgets. Time for you to do your security checkup.

Jim Hamm

Security for a Smart Home

If you have, say, a smart home and several smart devices lying around, perhaps you have read of the possible hacking of your home or devices.  If you are concerned and would like additional security protection, here's an article reviewing three security devices: CUJO, Dojo and Keezel.

If you're really, really geeky, here is another article with a review of one of the devices: CUJO. 

After reading both articles I've concluded I want none of the devices. I don't have a smart home, and I'll protect my computers and smart devices another way.

Jim Hamm

Google's New HQ

Take a look here at Google's soon-to-be new headquarters. And Google is really "Going Green". Just read about all the energy-saving features to be incorporated in the building and campus. Be sure to click through the picture slide show of the building and campus.

If I were young again, and much smarter than I am, I'd sure like working for Google -- as probably every college graduate today wants to. I bet Google has the pick of the litter, so to speak.

So, surf the net frequently, click often, and help Google pay for this new headquarters.

Jim Hamm

Right to Repair?

Here is an article discussing a proposed law in Nebraska "that would require companies, whether they are in the tech sector or not, to make their service manuals, diagnostic tools, and parts available to consumers and repair shops—and not just select suppliers."

Right now I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing to have as a law. As a general statement, we seem to have a lot of laws. More thinking required on my part.  Is there really a "right to repair"? I guess I could argue both sides of the coin. There's propriety/intellectual/patent considerations, safety, etc. Many electronic devices today aren't built to be repaired. Just cheaper to replace them.

For more information, read the article.

Jim Hamm

MacOS and iOS

Here is an article describing how the use of MacOS and iOS is climbing (increasing) in enterprises. This is an arena that Apple has long somewhat abandoned, or not aggressively pursued. And recently IBM decided that it's cheaper to own and operate a Mac than it is a PC, and started switching in their offices. Irrespective of that assumption, one feature I definitely like in a Mac, iPad or iPhone is the U.S. support if one has a problem after buying one.

Plus, AppleCare sure is nice to have to extend the factory warranty.

Jim Hamm  

Mac News


Dave Rothgery found this article which may be of interest to PMUG members.


Amazon Chime

Well, it looks like Amazon is branching into yet another arena: free calling and texting. For more information, read here . At this point in time, it doesn't look too impressive, but Amazon is pretty aggressive and effective in most things they try, so I suspect we'll hear and read more about Amazon Chime as time goes on.

I wasn't aware that Amazon has a Web Services effort as well, until I read this article.

Jim Hamm

iPad Tips

Here are two tips for your consideration. First, I've watched two episodes of an interesting documentary on PBS: "Islands in the Sky". This covers the infrastructure necessary to support safe airline flights. Very informative and interesting. During the program they state that at any one time there may be as much as a million people in the sky at one time! 

The second tip is you can watch the documentary on your iPad. Just download the PBS app from the Apple Store and open it. Not only is this documentary available, but many other TV shows as well, such as Nova, et al. And even though the iPad screen is small, viewing a program such as this works quite well. This PBS app may be available for an Android tablet as well, but I'm not sure.

Give this a try -- you'll be amazed at how many interesting programs are available on PBS.

Jim Hamm  

MacBook Air Price Cut

Comparing Unlimited Plans from T-Mobile, Sprint Verizon and AT&T

With the emergence of unlimited phone and data plans from the carriers recently, it would be a task to compare the cost and features of each carrier. Well, someone has done that for us. If you are even remotely considering changing carriers, read the following article: http://www.zdnet.com/article/comparing-unlimited-plans-from-t-mobile-sprint-verizon-at-t/

Of course, first, you would want to be sure you have a strong signal in your home area. Plus, if you travel around a lot, another important consideration is the carrier's coverage around the country. We have AT&T, and not only is it the most expensive carrier, the mobile hotspot can only be used for the device itself -- another device cannot connect to the hotspot. That would be a major issue for us if we did not already have unlimited data plans for our devices.

Jim Hamm


iCloud Drive and iCloud

What is the difference between iCloud Drive and iCloud, you might ask? I, too, had this question, and this article helped me understand both much better. If you decide to read this, the first article covers iCloud Drive, and if you keep scrolling the second article covers iCloud.

One nice feature is you can access both from any device. Presently I'm on my computer running a Linux OS but I just logged into my iCloud account from the browser and in iCloud there appears an iCloud Drive icon. After clicking the icon it opens and shows me what's stored in my iDrive. 

Here is yet another article discussing the difference between the two functions that you may also find helpful.

Jim Hamm

Security and the Internet of Things

Should you have an interest in reading it, here is a somewhat-lengthy blog discussing the security aspects of hackers being able to access so many electronic devices via the internet, and the security danger therein.

He likens many devices as to really being a computer with just another function -- like a Nest thermostat or an Amazon Echo, for example -- and easily controlled remotely -- by you or a hacker.

As he mentions, we -- collectively -- have left security to the market place, for better or worse. We all get security updates and patches to our computers, tablets and smartphones. All with the intent to improve security. But how about all the other electronic devices we own? How often, if ever, is a security update given to those devices, or the software program contained therein? Never?

Jim Hamm