What is a router and what does it do? What difference is there in the WiFi speeds? Why are network hubs no longer needed?
Well, Jim Hamm found this article to explain these to the person with a need to know. "Here's an article explaining how a home network functions," he says.
"Net Neutrality" at Round Two
Jim Hamm continues the earlier discussion, "Are you 'fer or agin' the concept of 'Net Neutrality', or quite possibly don't even care? Following is an article from the Windows Secrets Newsletter that might be of interest regarding this issue."
Note: the end of the 120-day public comment period ends September 15.
Apple Sales & Profits
Keeping up with the latest on Apple sales and profits, David Passell sends this with the comment, "Everyone knows the PC market has been in decline for the past few years. But one segment of that market is doing spectacularly well, and one company has managed to carve out enviable sales and profits by dominating that niche. Guess who?"
Internet Controversy
Here's something to look into: the possible merger of Comcast and Time Warner. David Passell passes on this link. Check out this info and see what you think.
Where's Apple's Chromebook?
According to David Passell there's a need for an Apple that isn't so expensive. He suggests we read this. "I think the Chromebook is going to give Apple a bit more competition than first assumed. Consumers, schools, and businesses are buying Chromebooks instead of more expensive devices. This could put new pressure on Apple to create a cheap device.
With his P.S. David reminds us he still has a 2008 Mini running Snow Leopard, and "I probably don't know what (hassles?) I am missing." He signs off by calling himself the "browsing triceratops."
iPhone Rumors
"What do we know about the anticipated iPhone 6?" asks David Passell. He also wonders if you'll buy the iOS handset. See here.
Happy Birthday, PMUG!
Here's an early "Happy Birthday!" to PMUG, Prescott Mac User Group which officially started twenty-five years ago on August 21, 1989.
At today's meeting new Prez Rob Raess presided, VP Pam Wickstrom encouraged those attending to volunteer to speak to us at some later dates.
We also heard from David Passell, treasurer, and we signed a pretty card to send to Bobbie Pastor, PMUG secretary. Our "cookie lady" Ginger Carlson brought cake for the birthday. Jeff Ian from Think4Ink gave a jolly presentation that informed all of us about printers, ink, and the history of PMUG in Prescott.
Learn Via Video, etc.
Helpful PMUG leader John Carter scores big with this link, www.macmost.com/ and you'll want to take a look at this website. Turns out they have more than 900 FREE video tutorials on how to use your Mac, iPad, iPhone and other Apple Technology.
And here's some very welcome news: They never sell, rent or share your email address. Read details at Policies.
No, we're not listing all 900 of their video tutorials. But look at some of these other helpful categories.
More on Mail Signatures
"MacMost.com has just announced a new video on using Mail Signatures," John Carter tells us. "This would be a good follow-up on my article (posted August 11) about using Signatures as an e-mail template. See the video here: Watch Video…
Apps: Adobe and Alternatives
"Sometime in the past you installed software from Adobe. When you did this, it scattered a bazillion files all over the place on your Mac. Now you want to delete the Adobe software. Good luck finding all the cruft!" exclaims Past Prez Art Gorski.
He goes on, "Utility programs that claim to be able to uninstall software for you fail miserably when faced with the Adobe challenge. Here’s a good on-line discussion of the involved procedure needed to absolutely clean this stuff off your computer:" http://www.macintouch.com/readerreports/applications/topic3000-026.html#d12aug2014
Fast and Faster!
"Google is again investing in a fiber-optic cable to connect the Far East with the West Coast. I can't quite grasp a speed of 60 terabytes per second, but it sounds faster than what I get at home...(grin)…." says Jim Hamm. Read here.
Solving Flash Player Problem
Jim Hamm is on the lookout for helpful info, and today he writes, "If you're running an older version of OS X and are having a problem with Adobe's Flash Player, following is a tip from the "Tech Tails" newsletter that may be of help. The article is by Jeremy Holt."
- Navigate to the /Library/Internet Plug-Ins (Disabled) folder.
- Drag “Flash Player.plugin” into /Library/Internet Plug-Ins.
- If the browser is running, quit and restart it.
Using a Signature & Using Stationery
Maybe you haven't tried this yet; John Carter to the rescue! "There have been times when I was responding to someone’s question when I really wished I had a template with a stock answer.
Security Flaw in USB Flash Drives
Quoting from the link below: " . . . any USB device (flash drive, external hard drive, smartphone, digital camera, mouse, keyboard, etc.) that has been plugged into an untrusted computer should be treated with suspicion -- much like a used hypodermic needle. Further, erasing, formatting, or using anti-virus tools will not remove malicious code from the firmware of USB devices. And there is no known method at this time to scan USB devices to see if they are clean."
Read about this serious problem here. Thanks to Jim Hamm for his eagle eye, spotting this vital information.
Identity Theft Warnings
A recent notice from LifeLock contains some useful information on identity theft. It states that a Russian cybergang amassed over 4.5 billion records of usernames and passwords. See here. They state that smartphone users are 35% more likely to experience fraud than the average customer. See here. And, did you know that identity thieves may target the mail sitting out in your mailbox when your flag is up. See here.
Apple to Expand in Reno
Thanks to Past Prez Art Gorski's link on passwords just posted we found mentioned on that page an interesting piece on Apple set to expand Reno datacenter. Look here: http://appleinsider.com/articles/14/08/08/apple-set-to-expand-reno-datacenter-with-two-additional-data-clusters
Temporary Price Cut for Password App
FBI Tracking
"In a recent email I mentioned three browsers which offered more security when browsing the internet. Tor was listed as the most secure browser. Here is an article describing how the FBI got into Tor to track people who were frequenting a child pornography network."
Comparing Three Browsers for Security
"If browsing more safely on the internet is a concern for you, here is an article that compares three browsers that offer additional browsing security. As the article mentions, no browser offers complete protection," Jim Hamm informs us.
He goes on to explain, "After reading the article, I may try the Epic Browser just to see what it's all about. I'm not paranoid about internet security, but I exercise reasonable caution and run a good anti-virus program."
Stay tuned for more info from Jim . . .
Potential Dangers of Photo Posting
"If you post pictures online, say on Facebook, you should take a look at this video of what can be discovered from the picture you just posted. So be careful of what you post. The video also gives you a tip on how to possibly avoid this discovery," says Jim Hamm.