"Microsoft is bringing Office to the iPad. Take a read here. (Allow cookies on your computer to access this site.) It is free in a read-only mode, but costs $100/year if one wants to write to the app. A smart move by Microsoft, but perhaps a bit late," comments Jim Hamm. He goes on to suggest, "If you plan to use Office for the iPad, here are 5 tips you might take a look at."
A Tablet at Every Table
Order drink refills and desserts, play interactive games, pay your bill at Chili's with a device called Ziosk, a tablet on every table. Ah, technology rolls on. Look here.
Jim Hamm found out, via their email club, that Prescott Valley's restaurant has this feature. He comments, "Take a look at what Chili's restaurant in Prescott Valley is now doing. Is this pretty slick or what? Do waiters and waitresses feel the cold wind of technology breathing down their back? Somewhat similar, I suspect, to the carriage maker in 1904 looking up from his work and wondering what that car sound was all about."
More on Net Neutrality
"Confused about what Net Neutrality means -- or do you even care? If you'd like to learn more, here is an interesting article from the Windows Secrets newsletter that discusses it," writes Jim Hamm. A little question pops up first on that home page, but Jim assures us that it's just a quickie and then you get right to the article.
Curious About Linux
Our PMUG webmaster Mary Ann Clark informs us that she's now posted John Carter's article about Linux. You'll find it here http://pmug.us/reviews/
Here's John's explanation: "What is all this talk about Linux? Jim Hamm and John Carter have several distributions of Linux installed, mostly for tinkering purposes, and the PCS club talks about it now and then. But why should we Mac people care about Linux?
"'Linux Revealed' gives an overview of Linux that you might enjoy reading, even if Linux is not in your future, or your rear view mirror.
"And if you do get interested or have any questions, don't forget to drop Jim and John a note to talk about it." Send an email to Jim or John by clicking info@PMUG.us
15 Things You Didn't Know Your iPhone Could Do
Now, there's a headline to catch your attention, thanks to Jim Hamm who says, "Here are 15 tips for the iPhone that you might find handy." Look here.
Competition for MacBook Air?
David Passell sends this link with the comment, "Article about Kindle Fire being almost as good as MacBook AIR except for lack of keyboard." See it here.
Box Cloud Storage
"If one wants to store their data, pictures, etc., in the cloud, be sure you are comfortable that the company is going to be around so you can access your data later on. This is the reason I'm more comfortable backing my 'stuff' up to my own external hard drive."
ATM Malware
"The hackers are getting very creative — particularly when it comes to ATM machines. Take a read on this article," warns Jim Hamm.
WPA2 Security Cracked
" Here is an article describing a vulnerability found in WPA2 wireless security. After reading the article I suspect most homeowners needn't be unduly concerned. This vulnerability might be a bit more of a concern for commercial WiFi users, though." Thanks to Jim Hamm for this notification.
Gmail Messages Will Now Be Encrypted
"If you use Gmail, the following is some good news for you," Jim Hamm declares. The article from Gizmodo says, "Good news, security lovers. Google just announced that Gmail will be encrypted all the time." Read the article here.
Changes With Dropbox
Changes with Dropbox came to David Passell's attention. He says, "I think this mainly applies to people who pay a yearly fee for Dropbox. It might be of interest to some of the more legally minded among us." See http://www.citizen.org/Page.aspx?pid=183. Read details here: https://blog.dropbox.com/2014/02/updating-our-terms-of-service/
News About Comcast and TWC
"Here's an interesting article about the possible purchase of Time Warner Cable (TWC) by Comcast. I don't use either service, but the author thinks, if the deal goes through, the consolidation will have a significant impact (not necessarily favorable for consumers) not only on TV, but the internet as well," remarks Jim Hamm.
About Your Router
A news article about routers, "Five Things You Didn't Know You Could Do With Your Router," prompted a response from John Carter. Instead of just a few comments, John gets into his instructional mode, and it's something helpful to read. Mary Ann Clark, webmaster of the PMUG site, www.pmug.us has posted it. Go to Benefits, and under that, Tips 'n' Tricks.
Google Docs Phishing Scam
Another big time warning from Jim Hamm: "Here is yet another variation of a phishing scam using Google Docs. As always, exercise caution when clicking a link in an email. The hackers are getting ever more sophisticated in their nefarious endeavors."
Learning More, Doing More
Our speaker for the PMUG March meeting yesterday was Ryan Ridge who moved to Prescott from Alaska last year. Ryan demonstrated iMovie, and answered questions. Here’s Ryan’s website. http://www.designpt.com/2013/02/prescott-here-we-come/ And here’s his company blog where you’ll read posts from his business partners: http://www.designpt.com/blog/
Clip Art, Photos, Recent Discoveries
What a clever picture. It grabbed my attention and I just had to read what the article said. Ever said that?
Google to the rescue. Well, first I emailed John Carter to ask where he’d found the photo he posted to the pmug.us website.
Watch for More Info About XP Troubles
An article here anticipating trouble with Microsoft XP with ATMs, health records, and credit card risks came to Jim Hamm's attention. His comment, ". . . there's been quite a few articles about XP in the past months. The vulnerability on ATMs is particularly troubling."
Google Drive Cuts Your Costs
"Like to store your 'stuff' in the Cloud? Google Drive has just cut their Cloud storage costs. Here's the article," Jim Hamm says.
Smart Phone Used in Medical Treatment
An 8-minute video illustrates what Jim Hamm says, "Here is an interesting story on how a smart phone can be used in medical treatment. One of the features covered is where, say, a diabetic needs to monitor his or her blood glucose frequently. So easy to do with a smart phone and sensor.
"Smart phones have already had a significant impact on our lives, with more to come, it seems." Look here.
Apple Users to Get Free In-flight Entertainment on United
This quick little notice from Jim Hamm, "Will you be flying United Airlines in the future? Well, if so, and you carry an iPhone or iPad with you, you can watch free movies or TV shows. Here's the article with more details."