A Sneak Peak at "Lion"
Curious about OSX "Lion"? Lots of people are. Jim Hamm forwards this preview of some of the features, but it will be later this summer before we can get our hands on it.
Watch for Something New
Maybe next week! Jim Hamm stirs up the excitement with two articles, Electronista says that speculation over Light Peak suggests if this new interface will be part of the new MacBook Pro we should hear as soon as next week. Light Peak is about twice as fast as USB 3.0 and has multiple possible uses. The Silicon Republic article tells that Light Peak will be based on copper and is aimed at replacing the myriad of cables that connect monitors, external dives, scanners and printer.
And this just in from Allen Laudenslager: FastCompany passes along rumors about the up-coming MacBook Pro. Hmmmmmmm.
Now we hear from Bill Williamson with a link to MotleyFool. Speed? It says, "transfer an entire Blu-ray movie in less than 10 seconds!"
Apple Numbers Look Good
Keeping an eye out for our "favorite fruit company" -- Apple -- Jim Hamm found some interesting statistics on the product sales. "Looks like the iPod is leveling off, the iPad and iPhone sales continue to grow, and laptop sales have far exceeded desktop sales." Read about it here.
The App Store Arrived
You've seen the news: the Mac App Store is here. To get quickly up-to-speed with terminology and benefits see this MacWorld article. Thanks, Jim Hamm for sending this.
Apple Now Has a "Friend Bar"
"Want to chat on and on about something related to an Apple product?" asks Jim Hamm. He explains, "Take a look at Apple's Friend Bar, as reported here. I'm not so sure about this idea . . . "
Negative Predictions about Apple
"Apple is the second-largest company in the world," states the writer, but he outlines 11 reasons why Apple could fall in 2011. He does write, "There is no doubt that Apple is one of the greatest companies in the world, with some of the greatest consumer products and revolutionary technologies. But at what point does the fun end?"
Jim Hamm sends us the article, commenting that "it's interesting to note that the market cap of Apple is larger than IBM, Hewlett Packard and Dell combined."
Apple's Data Center Almost Ready
Have you been hearing about Apple's massive new data center in North Carolina? Jim Hamm wants to keep us informed. Take a look at the photo and article here! At 500,000 square feet Apple's $1 billion data center will be among the largest in the world. Does this mean cloud computing?
Today's Apple Event News
In Cupertino this morning a crowd heard and saw the very latest. FoxNews reports, "With a new version of the Macintosh operating system called Lion, a super slim new MacBook Air, and updates to the iLife application suite, Apple CEO Steve Jobs hit the stage with a flourish at an October 20 press event."
ComputerWorld tells us, "MacBook Air will not have a hard drive, but is going with flash memory. It will be 80% smaller, two times faster, and more reliable -- and like an iPad will turn on instantly." The price drops under $1,000.
Take a look at these ten large photos of the 11-inch MacBook Air from ArsTechnica. And don't hold your breath for Lion, it's due out in Summer 2011.
See streaming video of the event. Read about the iLife '11, a major upgrade to iPhoto, iMovie, and GarageBand.
Adding to our information this Saturday (10-23) Jim Hamm sends us the link to SmallDog newsletter 694 with articles on the 11" MacBook Air, Lion 10.7, iMovie '11, the Mac App Store, iPhoto '11, and GarageBand '11.
Getting Our Attention in the News
"Take a read on the following two articles," Jim Hamm begins, "It's amazing how Apple products, and the iPhone 4 in particular, generate both good and bad admiration." While viewing these sites what caught my eye was this article about a conman in Germany who posed as a broke tourist selling his iPod and electronics gear, and sold the "sorta-samaritans" a bag full of potatoes.
Demos Utilize HTML5
Something new to learn? Oh, yes. Here's some interesting demos about HTML5 by Apple. Look at this article Jim Hamm has found.
Apple and iAd Advertisers
“Apple is looking to charge advertisers one million dollars to get into the iAd door,” begins a report from Mac Observer. Targeted to specific users, the plan will be costly, yet effective, they believe. Thanks to Jim Hamm for this info. His comment is “Wow!” and "Wow!"
Is iTravel Coming?
Headlined, “Apple Travel App Patent Hints at Ticketless Airlines” this entry from Cult of Mac intrigues us with the possibilities of an iTravel App. Check in wirelessly, identify you with airline and security personnel, and help you find RFID-tagged luggage -- all of this -- and an electronic wallet using Near Field Communications (NFC) technology. Thanks to Jim Hamm for alerting us to this article.
Apple/Adobe Situation
Here's Jim Hamm's take on the Apple/Adobe controversy. "Recently I read an email regarding the Apple/Adobe situation wherein it stated 'sounds too much like a family feud...' I agree, and it is sad to read how vituperative some blogs have become on this subject. If you might have interest in reading more about this, here's couple of articles that shed further light on the situation: DaringFireball and MacDailyNews.
"I think Gruber's article makes sense. Apple doesn't want another platform between an Apple device's platform and the developer, whether it's Adobe or someone else. Apple doesn't have to make their products, programs and platforms available to everyone on everyone else's terms. It's Apple's products, after all. If consumers want Adobe Flash, that's fine. Let them buy products that support Flash. Let consumers speak with their wallet. I think the blog from an Adobe spokesperson wherein he told Apple to go 'screw yourself' was childish and served no useful purpose, other than to vent his anger. The squabbling seems to be all on Adobe's part.
Jim goes on to give a good analogy: "I think Apple's restrictions on apps for the iPhone, etc., and on software programs are, on balance, a good thing. I think this is highly analogous to CCRs for a housing community, like Hidden Valley Ranch, where we live. The CCRs are very restrictive, and one can become frustrated sometimes with them. But I think they keep the area looking nice, clean and a good place to live. Go look at communities that don't have CCRs--old cars up on blocks, RVs parked in the yard, junk everywhere, etc. We have to agree to these CCRs before we buy the property, so we shouldn't complain afterwards.
"Also, if Apple didn't monitor and have to approve the apps and programming that go on an iPhone, etc., soon there would be porno and all kinds of shoddily written, junky apps available and installed. Also, the apps would cause the device to crash and Apple would be blamed for this. One can argue that Apple can't/shouldn't tell me what I can read or use. To a degree there is an element of truth in this argument, but Apple only says this for their devices, and that you agree to specific restrictions when you purchase their device and before you can use it. Think CCRs.
"The second article above is interesting also, but it's all built on speculation and rumor. But interesting to read, nonetheless."
And we picture Jim with his grin, as he concludes, "This may well be more than you care to know about this subject, and I certainly can understand that. In that case, just tap the delete button and move on."
Well, there's more. Jim adds, "Interesting article on Apple's stance on cross-platform programs not adhering to Apples specifications. Aka the Apple/Adobe situation..."
Pico Projectors Coming for Mac, Too?
De Prez Allen Laudenslager brings to our attention an article at Fastcompany.com which describes a patent that Apple has applied for pico projectors built into various devices. He explains, "Pico projectors are the latest in projecting what's on your computer for general viewing, That is what we do with our presentations at the meetings and during SIG classes.
"While the main thrust seems to be toward iPhone and iPad, the patents do include the MacBooks and that would be really cool for us. It means that I could prepare my presentation and then present it without connecting to a separate projector, just point my MacBook at the wall and go!
"The article also includes some ideas about the ways it might apply to Apple TV. How about a 'big screen' TV with no screen?"
Did You Know?
Maybe you've already tried the fun challenge from MacFixIt posted here? Art Gorski passes along the word, "According to this, and I've confirmed it, if you look at the icon of the TextEdit application at maximum magnification you will see an historic Apple message."
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Time to Browse?
If you have some time to browse Jim Hamm recommends his friend's site, (Jim Perry). Jim put this website icon on his bookmarks bar in Safari so it's easy to open the site and take a peek.
What Are They Saying?
Ready to read more about what "they" are saying about Apple? David Passell finds lots of information at arstechnica. Today’s feature articles discuss such weighty issues as problems with the 27-inch iMac screen, predicted iPad features, a poll on flash for iPad, and other raves and pans. He adds, “The arstechnica site has a lot of other news items besides Apple. To see them and other subjects suggest you click on the ‘All’ tab.”
Then to leave you with a smile, David sends this link which includes a picture of a laptop computer that’s been microwaved, and is for sale for US $26001.00 to benefit charity. Scroll down to see the video. Puzzled by 21 blank boxes on that site, I control-clicked on one of the little ? in the tiny blue square, then choosing "Open image in new window" that brought up the missing photo.
See the iPad Now!
Live blog coverage of the Apple iPad tablet making debut this morning in San Francisco. Scroll down through minute-by-minute reporting from Erica Ogg on site. Lots of pictures to look at as the presentation by Steve Jobs is being given. And now it's up on Apple's site. Check out all the features of this long-awaited tablet.